(21) Niceforo, Alfredo. _Les Indices numerique de la civilisation et du
progres_. Paris, 1921.
(22) Todd, A. J. _Theories of Social Progress._ Chap, vii, "The Criteria
of Progress," pp. 113-53. New York, 1918.
1. The History of the Concept of Progress
2. Popular Notions of Progress
3. The Natural History of Progress: Evolution of Physical and Mental
Traits, Economic Progress, Moral Development, Intellectual Development,
Social Evolution
4. Stages of Progress: Determined by Type of Control over Nature, Type
of Social Organization, Type of Communication, etc.
5. Score Cards and Scales for Grading Communities and Neighborhoods
6. Progress as Wish-Fulfilment: an Analysis of Utopias
7. Criteria or Indices of Progress: Physical, Mental, Intellectual,
Economic, Moral, Social, etc.
8. Progress as an Incident of the Cosmic Process
9. Providence versus Progress
10. Happiness as the Goal of Progress
11. Progress as Social Change
12. Progress as Social Evolution
13. Progress as Social Control
14. Progress and the Science of Eugenics
15. Progress and Socialization
16. Control through Eugenics, Education, and Legislation
1. What do you understand by progress?
2. How do you explain the fact that the notion of progress originated?
3. What is the relation of change to progress?
4. What is Spencer's law of evolution? Is it an adequate generalization?
What is its value?
5. Why do we speak of "stages of progress"?
6. To what extent has progress been a result (a) of eugenics, (b) of
7. What do you understand by progress as (a) a historical process, and
(b) increase in the content of civilization?
8. What is the relation of progress to happiness?
9. "We have confused rapidity of change with progress." Explain.
10. "Progress is not automatic." Elaborate your position with reference
to this statement.
11. What is the relation of prevision to progress?
12. Do you believe that mankind can control and determine progress?
13. "Our expectations of limitless progress cannot depend upon the
deliberate action of national governments." Contrast this statement of
Balfour with the statement of Dewey.
14. "A community founded on argument would dissolve into its constituent
elements." Discuss this statement.
15. What is Galton's conception of progress?
16. What would you say to the possibility or the impossibili