u rire._ Paris, 1902.
(13) Groos, Karl. _The Play of Man._ Translated from the German by
Elizabeth L. Baldwin. New York, 1901.
(14) ----. _The Play of Animals._ Translated from the German by
Elizabeth L. Baldwin. New York, 1898.
(15) Royce, J. _The Spirit of Modern Philosophy._ An essay in the form
of lectures. Chap. xii, "Physical Law and Freedom: The World of
Description and the World of Appreciation." Boston, 1892.
(16) Buecher, Karl. _Arbeit und Rhythmus._ Leipzig, 1902.
(17) Mallery, Garrick. "Sign Language among North American Indians
compared with That among Other Peoples and Deaf Mutes." _United States
Bureau of American Ethnology. First Annual Report._ Washington, 1881.
B. _Language and the Printing Press_
(1) Schmoller, Gustav. _Grundriss der allgemeinen
Volkswirtschaftslehre._ Chap, ii, 2, "Die psychophysischen Mittel
menschlicher Verstaendigung: Sprache und Schrift." Leipzig, 1900.
(2) Lazarus, Moritz. "Das Leben der Seele," _Geist und Sprache_, Vol.
II. Berlin, 1878.
(3) Wundt, Wilhelm. "Voelkerpsychologie." Eine Untersuchung der
Entwicklungsgesetze von Sprache, Mythus, und Sitte. _Die Sprache_, Vol.
I. Part i. Leipzig, 1900.
(4) Wuttke, Heinrich. _Die deutschen Zeitschriften und die Entstehung
der oeffentlichen Meinung._ Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des
Zeitungswesens. Leipzig, 1875.
(5) Mason, William A. _A History of the Art of Writing._ New York, 1920.
(6) Buecher, Carl. _Industrial Evolution._ Translated from the German by
S. M. Wickett. Chap. vi, "The Genesis of Journalism." New York, 1901.
(7) Dibblee, G. Binney. _The Newspaper._ New York and London, 1913.
(8) Payne, George Henry. _History of Journalism in the United States._
New York and London, 1920.
(9) Kawabe, Kisaburo. _The Press and Politics in Japan._ A study of
the relation between the newspaper and the political development of
modern Japan. Chicago, 1921.
(10) Muensterberg, Hugo. _The Photoplay._ A psychological study. New
York, 1916.
(11) Kingsbury, J. E. _The Telephone and Telephone Exchanges._ Their
invention and development. London and New York, 1915.
(12) Borght, R. van der. _Das Verkehrswesen._ Leipzig, 1894.
(13) Mason, O. T. _Primitive Travel and Transportation._ New York, 1897.
C. _Slang, Argot, and Universes of Discourse_
(1) Farmer, John S. _Slang and Its Analogues Past and Present._ A
dictionary, historical and comparative, of the heterodox speech of all
classes of society for more