than three hundred years. With synonyms in
English, French, German, Italian, etc. London, 1890-1904.
(2) Sechrist, Frank K. _The Psychology of Unconventional Language._
Worcester, Mass., 1913.
(3) Ware, J. Redding. _Passing English of the Victorian Era._ A
dictionary of heterodox English, slang and phrase. New York, 1909.
(4) Hotten, John C. _A Dictionary of Modern Slang, Cant, and Vulgar
Words._ Used at the present day in the streets of London; the
universities of Oxford and Cambridge; the houses of Parliament; the dens
of St. Giles; and the palaces of St. James. Preceded by a history of
cant and vulgar language; with glossaries of two secret languages,
spoken by the wandering tribes of London, the costermongers, and the
patterers. London, 1859.
(5) ----. _The Slang Dictionary._ Etymological, historical, and
anecdotal. New York, 1898.
(6) Farmer, John S. _The Public School Word-Book._ A contribution to a
historical glossary of words, phrases, and turns of expression, obsolete
and in present use, peculiar to our great public schools, together with
some that have been or are modish at the universities. London, 1900.
(7) _A New Dictionary of the Terms Ancient and Modern of the Canting
Crew._ In its several tribes of gypsies, beggars, thieves, cheats, etc.,
with an addition of some proverbs, phrases, and figurative speeches,
etc. London, 1690. Reprinted, 19--.
(8) Kluge, F. _Rotwelsch._ Quellen und Wortschatz der Gaunersprache und
der verwandten Geheimsprachen. Strassburg, 1901.
(9) Barrere, Albert, and Leland, C. G., editors. _A Dictionary of Slang,
Jargon, and Cant._ Embracing English, American, and Anglo-Indian slang,
pidgin English, gypsies' jargon, and other irregular phraseology. 2
vols. London, 1897.
(10) Villatte, Cesaire. _Parisismen._ Alphabetisch geordnete Sammlung
der eigenartigen Ausdrucksweisen des Pariser Argot. Ein Supplement zu
allen franzoesisch-deutschen Woerterbuechern. Berlin, 1899.
(11) Delesalle, Georges. _Dictionnaire argot-francais et
francais-argot._ Nouvelle Edition. Paris, 1899.
(12) Villon, Francois. _Le jargon et jobelin de Francois Villon, suivi
du jargon an theatre._ Paris, 1888.
(13) Saineanu, Lazar. _L'Argot ancien_ (1455-1850). Ses elements
constitutifs, ses rapports avec les langues secretes de l'Europe
meridionale et l'argot moderne, avec un appendice sur l'argot juge par
Victor Hugo et Balzac; par Lazare Sainean, pseud. Paris, 1907.
(14) Dauzat, Albert. _L