aring of the phenomenon of blushing
upon interaction and communication?
16. What is the difference between the function of blushing and of
laughing in social life?
17. In what sense is sympathy the "law of laughter"?
18. What determines the object of laughter?
19. What is the sociological explanation of the role of laughter and
ridicule in social control?
20. What are the likenesses and differences between intercommunication
among animals and language among men?
21. What is the criterion of the difference between man and the animal,
according to Max Mueller?
22. In your opinion, was the situation in which language arose one of
unanimity or diversity of attitude?
23. "Language and ideational processes developed together and are
necessary to each other." Explain.
24. What is the relation of the evolution of writing as a form of
communication (a) to the development of ideas, and (b) to social
25. What difference in function, if any, is there between communication
carried on (a) merely through expressive signs, (b) language, (c)
writing, (d) printing?
26. How does the evolution of publicity exhibit the extension of
communication by human invention?
27. In what ways is the extension of communication related to primary
and secondary contacts?
28. Does the growth of communication make for or against the development
of individuality?
29. How do you define imitation?
30. What is the relation of attention and interest to the mechanism of
31. What is the relation of imitation to learning?
32. What is the relation of imitation to the three phases of sympathy
differentiated by Ribot?
33. What do you understand by Smith's definition of sympathy? How does
it differ from that of Ribot?
34. Under what conditions is the sentiment aroused in the observer
likely to resemble that of the observed? When is it likely to be
35. In what sense is sympathy the basis for passing a moral judgment
upon a person or an act?
36. What do you understand by "internal imitation"?
37. What is the significance of imitation for artistic appreciation?
38. What do you understand by the term "appreciation"? Distinguish
between "appreciation" and "comprehension." (Compare Hirn's distinction
with that made by Simmel.)
39. Upon what is the nature of suggestion based? How do you define
40. What do you understand by Bechterew's distinction between active
perception an