treaty of London, 233, 234, 259, 260, 262-264, 266, 267;
treaties with Portugal, 255;
convention of Alexandria, 264, 265;
convention with France and Holland, 387;
triple and quadruple alliances, 389-391;
treaties with Indian states, 398, 399;
treaty with Persia, 402.
Epirus, 188.
Erfurt, 59, 92.
Erie, lake, 139, 141.
Erlon, d', French general, 159, 162, 163.
Erskine, Lord, 77, 177;
lord chancellor, 49.
Esdremadura, 99, 106.
Espinosa, battle, 92.
Essequibo, 9.
Essex, 175 n.
Essling, 63.
Etruria, kingdom of, 9.
Euphrates, the, 413.
Evans, De Lacy (afterwards Sir de Lacy), 343, 391.
Eveleigh, Dr., 429.
Evora, convention at, 390.
Ewart, William, M.P., 369.
Exchange, Royal. See London.
Exeter, bishop of (Phillpotts), 324.
Exmouth, Lord (Pellew), afterwards Viscount, 187, 188.
Eylau, battle, 51, 199;
campaign, 56.
Fabvier, Colonel, 262.
Factory acts, 326-328.
Falmouth, 259.
Faraday, Michael, 428.
Fath Ali, Shah of Persia, 402.
Fauvelet, French agent, 19.
Fawkes, Guy, 192.
Ferdinand, Emperor of Austria, 396.
Ferdinand III., Grand Duke of Tuscany, 166.
Ferdinand IV., King of the Two Sicilies, 7, 47, 58, 166, 187, 211, 212,
216, 221.
Ferdinand VII., King of Spain, 87, 88, 103, 123, 150, 187, 190, 210, 215,
218, 222, 388, 389, 395.
Ferrol, 39.
Ferronays, De la, French foreign minister, 261.
Finance, 15, 48, 49, 86, 172, 173, 198, 201-204, 206, 207, 226, 238, 235,
270, 283, 291, 334, 335, 347, 356, 369;
income and property tax, 15, 23, 48, 49, 172, 173;
currency reform, 74, 182, 183.
Fines, act for abolition of, 325, 333.
Finland, 54, 59, 122, 123, 125, 166.
Finn, W. F., M.P., 367, 368.
Fischer, Danish commander, 5.
Fitzgerald, Vesey, M.P., 236, 237.
Fitzherbert, Mrs., 194.
Fitzwilliam, Earl, 14, 29, 32, 180;
lord president of the council, 45;
in cabinet without office, 49.
Flaxman, John, 427.
Fletcher, Colonel, 101.
Fleurus, 158.
Flinders, Matthew, 436, 439.
Florence, 212, 216;
treaty of, 7.
Florida, 215.
Flushing, 65, 71.
Fontainebleau, 82, 118, 145;
decree 79;
treaties of, 87, 145, 146.
Fort Erie, 130.
Fortescue, first Earl, 296.
Fort George, 130, 140, 141.
Fort Sandusky, 139.
Fouche, French politician, 155, 165, 168.
Fox, Charles James, 14-16, 26, 27, 29-34, 200, 279, 372, 417;
relations with George III., 32, 33, 45, 46, 185;