271, 272, 277,
278, 280-308;
partial reforms, 198, 235;
first bill of 1831, 287-291;
second bill, 294-296;
third bill, 300-306;
Scotch and Irish bills, 306, 307.
Regency act (1811), 74, 75.
Regency act (1830), 281.
Regent Street and Park. See London.
_Register, Weekly_. See Cobbett.
Registration bill, 355;
acts, 366, 367.
Reichenbach, treaties of, 136.
Reille, French general, 111, 113, 158, 162.
Religious movements, 336-340, 417.
Rennell, James, 436.
Rennie, John, 435, 436.
Rensselaer, Van, American general, 130.
Reshid, Turkish general, 393.
Revel, 4.
Rey, Emmanuel, governor of St. Sebastian, 112-114.
Reynier, French general, 100, 101.
Rhine, the, 9, 41, 138, 143, 152, 153, 158, 166, 381;
confederation of the, 46, 53, 134, 138.
Riall, General, 146.
Rice, Thomas Spring (afterwards Lord Monteagle), 345;
secretary for war and colonies, 346;
chancellor of the exchequer, 357, 369, 373.
Richelieu, Duke of, 212.
Richmond, Charlotte, Duchess of, 159.
Richmond, third Duke of (Lennox), 284.
Richmond, fifth Duke of (Lennox), postmaster-general, 280;
resignation, 345.
Ried, treaty of, 137.
Rieti, battle, 212.
Riga, 124.
Rio Janeiro, 254, 259.
Riot act, 72, 176, 297.
Riots, 344;
Luddite, 83, 85, 175, 432, 433;
bread, 174;
agricultural, 174, 281, 282;
Spa Fields, 175;
Derbyshire insurrection, 176;
"Peterloo" or "Manchester massacre," 178-180, 192;
reform bill, 293, 296-298, 302, 309.
Riou, Edward, 5.
Ripon, Earl of. See Robinson, F. J.
Robinson, Frederick John (afterwards Viscount Goderich, later Earl of
Ripon), president of the board of trade, etc., 177, 178, 198;
chancellor of the exchequer, 202, 207;
secretary for war and colonies, 227;
first lord of the treasury, 229, 230, 233, 242, 260, 380;
secretary for war and colonies, 279;
lord privy seal, 325;
resignation, 345.
Rochefort, 165.
Rodil, Spanish general, 389.
Roebuck, John, M.P., 362, 372, 374.
Rohilkhand, 397.
Rolica, 90.
Rolleston, magistrate, 176.
Romana, Spanish general, 95.
Roman Empire, Holy. See Empire, Holy Roman.
Roman States. See Papal States.
Rome, 58, 351.
Romilly, Sir Samuel, M.P., 51, 77, 194, 199, 201.
Roncesvalles, pass, 112, 113.
Rose, George, M.P., 182.
Rosetta, 57.
Ross, General, 146.
Rosslyn, first Earl of. See Loughborough, Lord.
Rosslyn, second Earl of (St. Clair Ers