, 318, 350, 424.
Glasgow, 193, 295, 306, 371.
Glenelg, Lord. See Grant, Charles.
Gloucester (William), Duke of (nephew of George III.), 184 n.
Goderich, Viscount. See Robinson, F. J.
Godoy, Spanish statesman, 87.
Goethe, Wolfgang von, 417, 418.
Gohad, 399.
Golden Lane. See London.
Gordon, Robert, diplomatist, 266.
Goulburn, Henry, 284, 303, 319;
chancellor of the exchequer, 231, 270, 278, 280;
home secretary, 352, 367.
Gower, Lord Francis Leveson (afterwards Earl of Ellesmere), 236.
Gower, Lord Granville Leveson- (afterwards Earl Granville), secretary at
war, 66;
retirement, 68.
Graham, Sir James, 270, 277, 352, 354, 374;
first lord of the admiralty, 279, 287;
resignation, 345.
Graham, Sir Thomas (afterwards Lord Lynedoch), 102, 104, 110-113.
Grampound, 193, 198, 284, 288.
Granby, Marquis of (Manners), 52.
Grand, river, 139.
Grant, Charles (afterwards Lord Glenelg), 277;
board of trade, 230, 231;
resignation, 236, 380;
president of the board of control, 279, 329, 330, 380;
secretary for war and colonies, 357.
Grattan, Henry, M.P., 197, 238.
Graves, Rear-admiral, 5.
Greece, 379, 380, 383;
revolts against Turkey, 213, 214, 216, 217, 223-226, 232-234, 253,
259-267, 393;
independent, 268;
boundary fixed, 392.
Greenock, 306.
Grenoble, 153.
Grenville, Thomas, first lord of the admiralty, 49.
Grenville, Lord, 2, 14, 24-26, 29, 33, 35, 54, 56, 67 n., 68, 74-76, 109,
238, 279;
his followers, 26, 27, 30, 32, 34;
first lord of the treasury, 45, 47-49, 51, 52;
resignation, 49, 50;
opposition to Peninsular war, 71, 76.
Greville, Charles, 332.
Grey, Charles (afterwards Viscount Howick and later second Earl Grey), 46,
67 n., 68, 74-76, 199, 228, 230, 249, 271, 276, 277, 348, 357;
first lord of the admiralty, 45;
foreign secretary, 49, 52, 55;
opposition to Peninsular war, 76;
first lord of the treasury, 278-283, 285-287, 290, 291, 293-296, 299,
301-304, 320, 321, 324, 325, 334, 375, 380;
resignation, 344-347.
Grey, Earl de, first lord of the admiralty, 352.
Grossbeeren, battle, 137.
Grosvenor Square. See London.
Grote, George, 341, 345, 374, 431.
Grouchy, Marshal, 160, 163, 164.
Guadeloupe, 136.
Guadiana, the, 99.
Guarda, 100.
_Guerriere_, the, British frigate, 131, 132.
Guildhall. See London.
Guilleminot, French diplomatist, 266.
Guizot, French statesman, 357