, 292.
Maratha wars, 398, 399, 406, 407.
Marcoff, Count, 21.
Marengo, battle, 159.
Maria II., da Gloria, Queen of Portugal, 253, 254, 258, 259, 388.
Maria Christina, Queen-regent of Spain, 389, 391.
Maria Louisa, empress of Napoleon I., 78, 145, 150, 166.
Mariembourg, 149, 382.
Marlborough, Duke of (Churchill), 52.
Marmont, Marshal, 104-108.
Marriage reform bills, 355;
act, 366, 367.
Martinique, 9.
Mary, Duchess of Gloucester (daughter of George III.), 184 n.
Massena, Marshal, 100-104.
Maumee, river, 130, 138.
Mauritius, the (Isle of France), 18, 149, 167, 398, 403, 438.
Maya, pass, 113.
McClure, General, 141.
McDonnell, Colonel, 141.
Medellin, 96.
Medina de Rio Seco, 88.
Mediterranean, the, 39, 69, 188, 262, 265, 393.
Mehemet Ali, Pasha of Egypt, 224, 225, 264, 269, 392-394.
Mehidpur, battle, 406.
_Melampus_, the, British warship, 127.
Melbourne, Viscount. See Lamb, William.
Melcombe Regis, 289, 305.
Melville, first Viscount. See Dundas, Henry.
Melville, second Viscount. See Dundas, Robert S.
Menou, 6.
Merton, Surrey, 39.
Mesolongi, 266, 418.
Metcalfe, Charles (afterwards Sir Charles and later Lord Metcalfe), 402,
403, 406, 409, 411, 412.
Methodist revival, the, 339.
Metternich, Prince, 122, 134, 138, 144-146, 152, 156, 189, 191, 210, 217,
218, 224, 377, 395, 396.
Mexico, 223.
Miaoulis, Greek admiral, 393.
Michigan, lake, 129;
state, 138, 139.
Middle Ground shoal, 4.
Middleton, Sir Charles. See Barham, Lord.
Miguel, Dom (afterwards King of Portugal), 220, 221, 253-255, 258, 259,
convention at Evora, 390.
Milan, 37;
decree, 56;
commission, 195.
Milhaud, French officer, 162.
Militia, the, 16, 21, 31.
Militia balloting bill, 59.
Militia transfer bill, 60.
Mina, guerilla leader, 104.
Minho, province, 258.
Ministries: Addington's, 1-31;
Pitt's, 33-44;
Grenville's (All the Talents), 45-50;
Portland's, 50-67, 87-99;
Perceval's, 68-76, 99-106;
Liverpool's, 77-86, 107-226, 253-258;
Canning's, 227, 228, 258;
Goderich's, 229, 230, 259, 260;
Wellington's, 230-252, 260-278, 376-380;
Grey's, 278-347, 380-390, 392-396;
Melbourne's, 347-351;
provisional administration, 351;
Peel's, 352;
Melbourne's, 357-375, 390-392.
Minorca, 9, 88.
Minto, second Earl of (Elliot-Murray-Kynynmound), first lord of the
admiralty, 363, 401.
Minto, Lord