Gujrat, 399.
Gurkhas, the, 404, 405.
Gustavus IV., King of Sweden, 37, 54, 90.
Gwalior, 310, 399, 407.
See Sindhia.
_Habeas corpus act_, suspension of, 3, 176-178, 181, 240, 320.
Hague, the, 384.
Haidarabad, 40;
Nizam of, 397, 398;
treaty of Bassein, 398, 399.
Hal, 158, 161.
_Halifax_, the, British sloop, 127.
Hallam, Henry, 426, 427.
Hamburg, 134, 136, 138, 310.
Hamilton, English commodore, 225.
Hamilton, Sir William, philosopher, 417.
Hampden clubs, 175.
Hampshire, 281, 282.
Hampton, General, 140, 141.
Hampton roads, 127.
Hanau, battle, 133.
_Hannibal_, the, British ship, 8.
Hanover, 22, 38, 42, 43, 46, 55, 134, 136, 166, 249.
Hanoverian troops, 137, 158, 159, 161.
Hanse Towns, the, 55.
Hardenberg, Prussian minister, 144, 152.
Hardinge, Henry (afterwards Sir Henry and later Viscount Hardinge), 104;
secretary at war, 236, 250, 275, 313.
Hardwicke, Earl of (Yorke), lord-lieutenant of Ireland, 2, 23, 27.
Harrison, American general, 138, 139.
Harrowby, Lord (Dudley Ryder), afterwards Earl of Harrowby, 68, 193, 295,
299, 301, 302;
foreign secretary, 34;
retirement, 35;
chancellor of the duchy of Lancaster, 37;
president of the board of control, 66;
lord president of the council, 81, 82, 227, 230.
Hartwell, Bucks, 147.
Harwich, 197.
Hasselt, 384.
Hastings, Marquis of. See Moira, Earl of.
Hastings, Warren, 279.
Haugwitz, Prussian minister, 42, 43.
Hawkesbury, Lord (Jenkinson), afterwards Earl of Liverpool, foreign
secretary, 1, 8, 9, 11, 12, 19, 20, 25, 34, 228;
called to the house of lords, 27;
home secretary, 34;
declines office as first lord of the treasury, 45;
home secretary, 50;
secretary for war and colonies, 68, 71, 82, 100, 106;
first lord of the treasury, 77, 82, 83, 85, 108, 109, 151, 168, 169, 172,
173, 183, 195-199, 205, 238, 239, 242, 279, 380;
resignation, 208, 209, 226.
Hay, Lord John, 391.
Haye, La, farm, 162.
Haye Sainte, La, farm, 162, 163.
Hayti, 215, 223.
Hazlitt, William, 425.
Health, board of, 310.
Hegel, Georg, 417.
Heligoland, 143, 167.
Helvetian republic. See Switzerland.
Helvoetsluis, 18.
Henry IV., King of France, 219.
Henry, John, 128.
Herat, 412-414.
Herries, J. C., chancellor of the exchequer, 229, 230;
master of the mint, 231;
secretary at war, 352.
Herschel, Sir John, 428.
Hesse, Princess' Augusta of (Du