over there? With his cloak all tucked up, too! Now what
in the world is he going to do? (_steps aside_)
Move aps te moram atque, Ergasile, age hanc rem. 790
eminor interminorque, ne mi obstiterit obviam
nisi quis satis diu vixisse sese homo arbitrabitur.
nam qui obstiterit, ore sistet.
(_with burlesque importance and bustle_) No dawdling now,
Ergasilus! At it, my boy, at it! I give you to wit by all
the law's pains and penalties that no man stand in my way,
unless he thinks he has lived long enough. For the man that
does stand in my way shall stand on his head. (_squares off
and delivers lusty blows at imaginary passers-by_)
Hic homo pugilatum incipit.
(_aside_) The fellow is going in for a boxing match!
Facere certumst. proinde ita omnes itinera insistant sua,
ne quis in hanc plateam negoti conferat quicquam sui.
nam meus est ballista pugnus, cubitus catapultast mihi,
umerus aries, tum genu quemque icero ad terram dabo,
dentilegos omnes mortales faciam, quemque offendero.
I'll do it, I'm resolved. So everybody keep where they
belong, and don't anyone bring his business into this
street! I tell you what, my fist is a siege-gun, and this
forearm is my catapult, and my shoulder is a battering ram,
yes, and every man I lay my knee into will bite the earth.
I'll make every man I meet a tooth-collector.
Quae illaec eminatiost nam? nequeo mirari satis.
(_aside_) What on earth does all this bluster mean? Quite
Faciam ut huius diei locique meique semper meminerit.[20] 800
I'll make him remember this day and this place and me for
Quid hic homo tantum incipissit facere cum tantis minis? (802)
(_aside_) What giant undertaking is the fellow at, with all
this big talk?
Prius edico, ne quis propter culpam capiatur suam:
continete vos domi, prohibete a vobis vim meam.
I give you due notice, that no one may come to grief through
his own ignorance of the law: stay at home: keep away from
me--I am a violent man.
Mira edepol sunt, ni hic in ventrem sumpsit confidentiam.
vae misero illi, cuius cibo iste factust imperiosior.
(_aside_) Bless my soul! I'll be sworn he's got some