brackets the following v., 288:
_nam ille quidem Theodoromedes fuit germano nomine._]
[Footnote 11: Leo brackets the following v., 324:
_Ego virtute deum et maiorum nostrum dives sum satis._]
[Footnote 12: Corrupt (Leo): _quin te gratiis_ MSS:
_gratiis quin te_ Schoell.]
[Footnote 13: Leo brackets the following v., 438:
_scito te hinc minis viginti aestumatum mittier._]
[Footnote 14: Corrupt (Leo): _exitium_ Pontanus: _exilium_ MSS.]
[Footnote 15: Leo brackets the following v., 521:
_nec sycophantiis nec fucis ullum mantellum obviam est._]
[Footnote 16: Corrupt (Leo): _qui venit modo intro_ MSS:
_modo qui venit intro_ Lindsay.]
[Footnote 17: Leo notes lacuna here: _manicas (maxumas)_ Spengel.]
[Footnote 18: Leo notes lacuna here: _ut (etiam)_ Schoell.]
[Footnote 19: Leo notes lacuna here: _mihi (quod domist)_ Schoell.]
[Footnote 20: Leo brackets the following v., 801:
_Qui mihi in cursu opstiterit, faxo vitae is extemplo
opstiterit suae._]
[The man that stands in my path shall forthwith stand in the
way of his own existence.]
[Footnote 21: _Noli irascier_ follows in MSS: Leo brackets.]
[Footnote 22: Corrupt (Leo): _laridum ac pernas_ Schoell.]
[Footnote 23: Corrupt (Leo): _pern[ul]am_ Geppert.]
[Footnote 24: _voltus esurientis (vidi, eius extimescebam)_ Leo:
A reading doubtful: other MSS omit the line.]
[Footnote 25: Corrupt (Leo): _te carens dum hic_ P:
_carens dum huc_ A.]
[Footnote 26: _tu huic_ MSS: _nunc_ Leo.]
[Footnote 27: Leo brackets the following v., 968:
_si eris verax, ex tuis rebus feceris meliusculas._]
[Footnote 28: Leo brackets the following v., 1016-1022:
_Quid tu ais? adduatin illum huius captivom filium?_
_Quin, inquam, intus hic est._
_Fecisti edepol et recte et bene._
_Nunc tibi pater hic est. hic fur est tuos, qui parvom hinc
te abstulit._
_At ego hunc grandis grandem natu ob furtum ad carnificem dabo._
_Meritus est_
_Ergo edepol merito meritam mercedem dabo._ 1020
_sed tu dic oro. pater meus tune es?_
_Ego sum, gnate mi._
_Nunc demum in memoriam redeo, cum mecum