Jupiter, if I don't do some
handsome catering, comb me down with a club!
Aeternum tibi dapinabo victum, si vera autumas.
I'll dinner you till doomsday, if it's true.
Unde id?
And who's to pay?
A me meoque gnato.
I and my son.
Sponden tu istud?
I have your word on that?
My word.
At ego tuom tibi advenisse filium respondeo.
And for my part, my word to you is--your son has arrived.
Cura quam optume potes.
(_making off toward harbour_) Attend to everything the
very best you can.
IV. 3.
Scene 3.
Bene ambula et redambula. 900
illic hinc abiit, mihi rem summam credidit cibariam.
di immortales, iam ut ego collos praetruncabo tegoribus,
quanta pernis pestis veniet, quanta labes larido,
quanta sumini absumedo, quanta callo calamitas,
quanta laniis lassitudo, quanta porcinariis.
A pleasant walk and--backwalk--to you. [EXIT _Hegio_]
He's gone! And the whole blessed commissariat left to me! Ye
immortal gods! how I'll knock necks off backs now! Ah, ham's
case is hopeless, and bacon's in a bad, bad way! And sow's
udder--done for utterly! Oh, how pork rind will go to pot!
Butchers and pig-dealers--won't I bustle 'em!
nam si alia memorem, quae ad ventris victum conducunt, morast.
nunc ibo, ut pro praefectura mea ius dicam larido,
et quae pendent indemnatae pernae, eis auxilium ut feram.
Why, if I should mention all the other things that go to
bolster up a belly, it would be a waste of time. I must off
this minute to perform my official duties and pass judgment
on bacon and help out hams that are still untried and in
IV. 4.
Scene 4.
Diespiter te dique, Ergasile, perdant et ventrem tuom,
parasitosque omnis, et qui posthac cenam parasitis dabit. 910
clades, calamitasque, intemperies modo in nostram advenit domum.
quasi lupus esuriens ille metui ne in me faceret impetum.
(_shaking his fist at door_) May all the powers of heaven
destroy you, Ergasilus, and that belly of yours and all
parasites and anyone that gives a p