and gave them to his companions to conduct to the hollow ships. But he
rushed on again, desiring to slay.
[Footnote 668: Virg. AEn. i. 118: "Apparent rari nantes in gurgite
vasto." With the following description may be compared AEsch. Ag.
670: [Greek: Oromen anthoun pelagos Aigaion nekron andron Achaion
nautikon t' ereipion]. Aristid. Panath. p. 142: [Greek: Os de
eora ten thalattan aimati kai rothio reousan, kai panta nekron
kai nayagion mesta].]
[Footnote 669: As was customary with captives. Cf. Virg. AEn. ii.
57, and Moll. on Longus, ii. 9.]
Then did he encounter the son of Dardanian Priam, Lycaon, escaping from
the river, whom he himself had formerly led away, taking him unwilling
from his father's farm, having come upon him by night: but he, with the
sharp brass, was trimming a wild fig-tree of its tender branches, that
they might become the cinctures of a chariot. But upon him came noble
Achilles, an unexpected evil; and then, conveying him in his ships, he
sold him into well-inhabited Lemnos; but the son of Jason gave his
price.[670] And from thence his guest, Imbrian Eetion, ransomed him, and
gave him many things, and sent him to noble Arisbe; whence, secretly
escaping, he reached his father's house. Returning from Lemnos, for
eleven days he was delighted in his soul, with his friends; but on the
twelfth the deity again placed him in the hands of Achilles, who was
about to send him into the [habitation] of Hades, although not willing
to go. But when swift-footed, noble Achilles perceived him naked,
without helmet and shield, neither had he a spear, for all these,
indeed, he had thrown to the ground, for the sweat overcame him, flying
from the river, and fatigue subdued his limbs beneath; but [Achilles]
indignant, thus addressed his own great-hearted soul:
[Footnote 670: _I.e._ purchase him as a slave.]
"O gods! surely I perceive this, a great marvel, with mine eyes.
Doubtless the magnanimous Trojans whom I have slain will rise again from
the murky darkness, as now this man has returned, escaping the merciless
day, having been sold in sacred Lemnos; nor has the depth of the sea
restrained him, which restrains many against their will. But come now,
he shall taste the point of my spear, that I may know in my mind, and
learn, whether he will in like manner return thence, or whether the
fruitful earth will detain him, which detains even the mighty."
Thus he pondered, remainin