appeared, for he had long abstained from the dire battle; and a violent
tremor came upon the Trojans, upon each of them as to their limbs,
fearing because they beheld the swift-footed son of Peleus glittering in
arms, equal to man-slaughtering Mars. But after the Olympians had come
to the crowd of men, then arose fierce Contention, the exciter of the
people, and Minerva shouted, sometimes standing beside the trench,
outside the wall, at other times she loudly shouted along the echoing
shores. But Mars yelled aloud on the other side, like unto a dark
whirlwind, keenly animating the Trojans from the lofty city, at other
times running along the Simois over Callicolone.[643]
Thus the blessed gods, inciting both sides, engaged, and among them made
severe contention to break out. But dreadfully from above thundered the
father of gods and men; whilst beneath Neptune shook the boundless earth
and the lofty summits of the mountains. The roots and all the summits of
many-rilled Ida were shaken, and the city of the Trojans, and the ships
of the Greeks. Pluto himself, king of the nether world, trembled
beneath, and leaped up from his throne, terrified, and shouted aloud,
lest earth-shaking Neptune should rend asunder the earth over him, and
disclose to mortals and immortals his mansions, terrible, squalid, which
even the gods loathe. So great a tumult arose from the gods engaging in
combat. Against king Neptune, indeed, stood Phoebus Apollo, having his
winged shafts, and against Mars the azure-eyed goddess Minerva. Opposed
to Juno stood the goddess of the golden bow, huntress Diana, rejoicing
in archery, the sister of Apollo; and opposite Latona, the
preserver,[644] useful Mercury. Against Vulcan also was the great
deep-eddying river, which the gods call Xanthus, and men the Scamander.
[Footnote 641: Buttm. Lexil. p. 406, 3: "The adjective [Greek:
aliastos], literally _unbending, unyielding, not to be turned_,
became the epithet of a violent, uncontrollable, incessant
tumult, battle, lamentation, &c, as at Il. M. 471; B. 797; O.
760; and as an adverb at O. 549."]
[Footnote 642: Hor. Od. i. xxii. 2: "Intonsum, pueri, dicite
Cynthium." Tibull. i. 4, 37: "Solis aeterna est Phoebo, Bacchoque
juventa: hanc decet intonsus crinis utrumque Deum." Various
reasons are assigned for this; such as, "quia occidendo et
renascendo semper est juvenior," Fulgent. Myth. i. 17; or, "quod
ipse sit sol, et so