rch bill.
April 15. Replies to criticisms of Irish Church bill.
May 31. On third reading of Irish Church bill.
June 29. Defends change of opinion on university tests.
July 15, 16. Moves rejection of Lords' amendments to Irish Church bill.
July 20. Supports Mr. Chambers's Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister
July 23. Moves to agree to final amendments of Lords.
Aug. 5. Explains Bishops' Resignation bill.
Publishes _Juventus Mundi, The Gods and Men of the Heroic Age_.
Feb. 8. On condition of Ireland.
Feb. 15. Brings in Irish Land bill.
March 1. On state-aided emigration to British colonies.
March 11. On second reading of Irish Land bill.
March 18. On Elementary Education bill.
March 22. On Peace Preservation (Ireland) bill.
April 1. On position of Trinity College, Dublin.
April 4. Opposes Mr. Disraeli's amendment to clause 3 of Irish Land bill.
April 5. Opposes payment of members.
April 11. Moves for committee to inquire into law regarding corrupt
April 26. On his principles of colonial policy.
April 27. In support of Marriage with a Deceased Wife's Sister bill.
May 10. On Indian opium revenue.
May 23. In support of University Tests bill.
May 24. Opposes motion in favour of disestablishing church of England in
May 30. On third reading of Irish Land bill.
June 15. In support of bill abolishing minority representation.
June 16 and 24. On Elementary Education bill.
June 21. In favour of presence of bishops in House of Lords.
June 30. On conscience clause in Education bill. On religious teaching in
elementary schools.
July 14. Defends vote by ballot in Education bill.
July 22. Replies to reproaches from Mr. Miall and Mr. Dixon on Education
July 27. Supports second reading of Ballot bill.
Aug. 1. On Franco-German war and neutrality of Belgium.
Aug. 10. On treaty guaranteeing independence and neutrality of Belgium.
Oct. "Germany, France, and England" in _Edinburgh Review_.
Nov. 1. Closes Workman's International Exhibition, Islington: on benefit
to English commerce of foreign competition.
Nov. 9. At Lord Mayor's banquet on Franco-German war.
Feb. 9. Replies to Mr. Disraeli's criticisms of government's foreign
Feb. 10. On University Tests bill.
Feb. 13. Defends Princess Louise's dowry and annuity.
Feb. 17. Defends the government's foreign policy.
Feb. 24. Replies to Mr. Disraeli's a