(4) Clodd, Edward. _The Birth and Growth of Myth_. Humboldt Library of
Popular Science Literature. New York, 1888.
(5) Gennep, A. van. _La Formation des legendes_. Paris, 1910.
(6) Langenhove, Fernand van. _The Growth of a Legend_. A study based
upon the German accounts of _francs-tireurs_ and "atrocities" in
Belgium. With a preface by J. Mark Baldwin. New York, 1916.
(7) Case, S. J. _The Millennial Hope_. Chicago, 1918.
(8) Abraham, Karl. _Dreams and Myths_. Translated from the German by W.
A. White. "Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph Series," No. 15.
Washington, 1913.
(9) Pfister, Oskar. _The Psychoanalytic Method_. Translated from the
German by C. R. Payne. Pp. 410-15. New York, 1917.
(10) Jung, C. G. _Psychology of the Unconscious_. A study of the
transformations and symbolisms of the libido. A contribution to the
history of the evolution of thought. Authorized translation from the
German by Beatrice M. Hinkle. New York, 1916.
(11) Brinton, Daniel G. _The Religious Sentiment: Its Source and Aim_. A
contribution to the science and philosophy of religion. Chap. v, "The
Myth and the Mythical Cycles," pp. 153-96. New York, 1876.
(12) Rivers, W. H. R. "The Sociological Significance of Myth,"
_Folk-Lore_, XXIII (1912), 306-31.
(13) Rank, Otto. _The Myth of the Birth of the Hero_. A psychological
interpretation of mythology. "Nervous and Mental Disease Monograph
Series," No. 18. Translated from the German by Drs. F. Robbins and Smith
E. Jelliffe. Washington, 1914.
(14) Freud, Sigmund. "Der Dichter und das Phantasieren," _Sammlung
kleiner Schriften zur Neurosenlehre_. 2d ed. Wien, 1909.
A. _Materials for the Study of Public Opinion_
(1) Lowell, A. Lawrence. _Public Opinion and Popular Government_. New
York, 1913.
(2) Tarde, Gabriel. _L'Opinion et la foule_. Paris, 1901.
(3) Le Bon, Gustave. _Les Opinions et les croyances; genese-evolution_.
Paris, 1911. [Discusses the formation of public opinion, trends, etc.]
(4) Bauer, Wilhelm. _Die oeffentliche Meinung und ihre geschichtlichen
Grundlagen_. Tuebingen, 1914.
(5) Dicey, A. V. _Lectures on the Relation between Law and Public
Opinion in England during the Nineteenth Century_. 2d ed. London, 1914.
(6) Shepard, W. J. "Public Opinion," _American Journal of Sociology_, XV
(1909), 32-60.
(7) Tocqueville, Alexius de. _The Republic of the United States of
America_. Book IV. "Influence of Democr