(1) Stirner, Max. (Kaspar Schmidt). _The Ego and His Own._ Translated
from the German by S. T. Byington. New York, 1918.
(2) Godwin, William. _An Enquiry Concerning Political Justice and Its
Influence on General Virtue and Happiness._ Book V, chap. xxiv. London,
(3) Proudhon, Pierre Joseph. _What Is Property?_ An inquiry into the
principle of right and of government. Translated from the French by B.
R. Tucker. New York, 189-?
(4) Zenker, E. V. _Anarchism._ A criticism and history of the anarchist
theory. Translated from the German. New York, 1897. [With
bibliographical references.]
(5) Bailie, William. _Josiah Warren, the First American Anarchist._ A
sociological study. Boston, 1906.
(6) Russell, B. A. W. _Proposed Roads to Freedom._ Socialism, anarchism,
and syndicalism. New York, 1919.
(7) Mackay, Thomas, editor. _A Plea for Liberty._ An argument against
socialism and socialistic legislation. New York, 1891.
(8) Spencer, Herbert. "The Man _versus_ the State," Appendix to _Social
Statics_. New York, 1897.
(9) Marx, Karl, and Engels, Frederick. _Manifesto of the Communist
Party._ Authorized English translation edited and annotated by Frederick
Engels. London, 1888.
(10) Stein, L. _Der Socialismus und Communismus des heutigen
Frankreichs._ Ein Beitrag zur Zeitgeschichte. Leipzig, 1848.
(11) Guyot, Edouard. _Le Socialisme et l'evolution de l'Angleterre
contemporaine_ (1880-1911). Paris, 1913.
(12) Flint, Robert. _Socialism._ 2d ed. London, 1908.
(13) Beer, M. _A History of British Socialism._ Vol. I, "From the Days
of the Schoolmen to the Birth of Chartism." Vol. II, "From Chartism to
1920." London, 1919-21.
(14) Levine, Louis. _Syndicalism in France._ 2d ed. New York, 1914.
(15) Brissenden, Paul F. _The I. W. W._ A study of American syndicalism.
New York, 1919. [Bibliography.]
(16) Brooks, John Graham. _American Syndicalism._ New York, 1913.
(17) ----. _Labor's Challenge to the Social Order._ Democracy its own
critic and educator. New York, 1920.
A. _The Struggle for Existence and Its Social Consequences_
(1) Henderson, Charles R. _Introduction to the Study of the Dependent,
Defective, and Delinquent Classes, and of Their Social Treatment._ 2d
ed. Boston, 1908.
(2) Grotjahn, Alfred. _Soziale Pathologie._ Versuch einer Lehre von den
sozialen Beziehungen der menschlichen Krankheiten als Grundlage der