modation, and (e) assimilation?
22. What are the factors producing internal migration in the United
23. In what sense is the drift to the cities a result of competition?
24. What is Ripley's conclusion in regard to urban selection and the
ethnic composition of cities?
25. What are the outstanding results of demographic segregation and
social selection in the United States?
26. What, in your judgment, are the chief characteristics of
inter-racial competition?
27. To what extent do you agree with Walker's analysis of the social
forces involved in race suicide in the United States?
28. In what specific ways is competition now a factor in race suicide?
29. What will be the future effects of inter-racial competition upon the
ethnic stock of the American people?
30. "There is a sense in which much of the orthodox system of political
economy is eternally true." Explain.
31. To what extent and in what sense is economic competition
32. What differences other than innate mental ability enter into
competition between different social groups and different persons?
33. Who are your competitors?
34. Of the existence (as identified persons) of what proportion of these
competitors are you unconscious?
35. What is meant by competitive co-operation? Illustrate. (See pp. 508,
36. What do you understand by the term "economic equilibrium"?
37. Is "economic equilibrium" identical with "social solidarity"? What
is the relation, if any, between the two concepts?
38. To what extent does competition make for a natural harmony of
individual interests?
39. What did Adam Smith mean by "an invisible hand"?
40. "Civilization is the resultant not of conscious co-operation but of
the unconscious competition of individuals." Do you agree or disagree
with this statement?
41. "By pursuing his own interest he frequently promotes that of the
society more effectually than when he really intends to promote it."
What is the argument for and against this position?
42. Why has the laissez-faire theory in economics been largely
43. What do you understand by the term "freedom"? How far may freedom be
identified with freedom of competition?
44. Do you accept the conception of Bastiat that "competition is
45. How does money make for freedom? Does it make for or against
co-operation? Are co-operation and competition mutually antagonistic
46. Under what c