* * *
"Ego KATHARINUS DALMARIO Judex Peticionum manu mea subscripsi
"Ego MARCUS LANDO Judex Peticionum manu mea subscripsi
"Ego NICOLAUS, Presbiter Sancti Canciani notarius complevi et roboravi."
In a list of documents preserved in the Archives of the _Casa di Ricovero_,
occurs the entry which follows. But several recent searches have been made
for the document itself in vain.
* "No 94 MARCO GALETTI _investe della proprieta dei beni che si trovano
in S. Giovanni Grisostomo MARCO POLO di Nicolo. 1319, 10 Settembre,
rogato dal notaio Nicolo Prete di S. Canciano_."
The notary here is the same who made the official record of the document
last cited.
[This document was kept in the Archives of the _Istituto degli Esposti_,
now transferred to the _Archivio di Stato_, and was found by the Ab.
Cav. V. Zanetti, and published by him in the _Archivio Veneto_, XVI.,
1878, pp. 98-100; parchment, 1157, filza I.; Marco Polo the traveller,
according to a letter of the 16th March, 1306, had made in 1304, a loan
of 20 _lire di grossi_ to his cousin Nicolo, son of Marco the elder; the
sum remaining unpaid at the death of Nicolo, his son and heir Marcolino
became the debtor, and by order of the Doge Giovanni Soranzo, Marco
Galetti, according to a sentence of the _Giudici del Mobile_, of the 2nd
July, transferred to the traveller Marco on the 10th September, 1319,
_duas proprietates que sunt hospicia et camere posite in ... confinio
sancti Ihoanis grisostomi que fuerunt Nicolai Paulo_. This Document is
important, as it shows the exact position of Marcolino in the
Document concerning House Property in S. Giovanni Grisostomo, adjoining the
Property of the Polo Family, and sold by the Lady Donata to her husband
Marco Polo. Dated May, 1323.
See No. 16 below.
Will of MARCO POLO. (In St. Mark's Library.)[4]
In Nomine Dei Eterni Amen. Anno ab Incarnatione Dni. Nri. Jhu. Xri.
millesimo trecentesimo vige-
simo tertio, mensis Januarii die nono,[5] intrante Indictione septima,
Divine inspiracionis donum est et provide mentis arbitrium ut antequam
niat mortis iudicium quilibet sua bona sit ordinare sollicitus ne ipsa
sua bona inordinata remaneant. Quapropter ego quidem MARCUS PAULO
de confinio Sancti Johannis Chrysostomi, dum cotidie debilitarer propter
infirmitatem cor-