ed adverbially.
II. Adverbs of _place_ are those which answer to the question, _Where?
Whither? Whence?_ or, _Whereabout?_ including these which ask.
OBS.--Adverbs of place may be subdivided as follows:--
1. Of place in which; as, _Where, here, there, yonder, above, below, about,
around, somewhere, anywhere, elsewhere, otherwhere, everywhere, nowhere,
wherever, wheresoever, within, without, whereabout, whereabouts, hereabout,
hereabouts, thereabout, thereabouts_.
2. Of place to which; as, _Whither, hither, thither, in, up, down, back,
forth, aside, ashore, abroad, aloft, home, homewards, inwards, upwards,
downwards, backwards, forwards_. _Inward, homeward, upward, downward,
backward_, and _forward_, are also adverbs, as well as adjectives; but some
critics, for distinction's sake, choose to use these only as adjectives.
3. Of place from which; as, _Whence, hence, thence, away, out, off, far,
4. Of the order of place; as, _First, secondly, thirdly, fourthly, &c_.
Thus, _secondly_ means _in the second place_; _thirdly, in the third
place_; &c. For order, or rank, implies place, though it may consist of
relative degrees.
III. Adverbs of _degree_ are those which answer to the question, _How much?
How little?_ or, to the idea of _more or less_.
OBS.--Adverbs of degree may be subdivided as follows:--
1. Of excess or abundance; as, _Much, more, most, too, very, greatly, far,
besides; chiefly, principally, mainly, mostly, generally; entirely, full,
fully, completely, perfectly, wholly, totally, altogether, all, quite,
clear, stark; exceedingly, excessively, extravagantly, intolerably;
immeasurably, inconceivably, infinitely_.
2. Of equality or sufficiency; as, _Enough, sufficiently, competently,
adequately, proportionally, equally, so, as, even, just, exactly,
3. Of deficiency or abatement; as, _Little, less, least, scarcely, hardly,
scantly, scantily merely, barely, only, but, partly, partially, nearly,
almost, well-nigh, not quite_.
4. Of quantity in the abstract; as, _How_, (meaning, _in what degree_,)
_however, howsoever, everso, something, anything, nothing, a groat, a
sixpence, a sou-markee_, and other nouns of quantity used adverbially.
IV. Adverbs of _manner_ are those which answer to the question, _How?_ or,
by affirming, denying, or doubting, show _how_ a subject is regarded.
OBS.--Adverbs of manner may be subdivided as follows:--
1. Of manner from quality;