n." "The capitalist press is lying about the conditions in
Russia." "The Call" alone speaks the truth, for it is a proletarian
Not satisfied with ruining his own country, Lenine would have Bolshevism
spread to all other nations. He longs for their workingmen to rise in
revolt against their present systems of government. Listen to his words
in his "Letter to American Workingmen," published by the Socialist
Publication Society, 431 Pulaski street, Brooklyn, New York:
"We know that it may take a long time before help can come from
you, Comrades, American Workingmen, for the development of the
revolution in the different countries proceeds along various paths,
with various rapidity (how could it be otherwise!) We know full
well that the outbreak of the European proletarian revolution may
take many weeks to come, quickly as it is ripening in these days.
We are counting on the inevitability of the international
revolution. But that does not mean that we count on its coming at
some definite date. We have experienced two great revolutions in
our own country, that of 1905 and that of 1917, and we know that
revolutions cannot come either at word of command nor according to
prearranged plans. We know that circumstances alone have pushed us,
the proletariat of Russia, forward, that we have reached this new
stage in the social life of the world not because of our
superiority but because of the peculiarly reactionary character of
Russia. But until the outbreak of the international revolution,
revolutions in individual countries may still meet with a number of
setbacks and serious overthrows....
"We are in a beleaguered fortress, so long as no other
international Socialist revolution comes to our assistance with its
armies. But these armies exist, they are stronger than ours, they
grow, they strive, they become more invincible the longer
imperialism, with its brutalities, continues. Workingmen the world
over are breaking with their betrayers, with their Gompers and
their Scheidemanns. Inevitably labor is approaching communistic
Bolshevistic tactics, is preparing for the proletarian revolution
that alone is capable of preserving culture and humanity from
destruction. We are invincible, for invincible is the Proletarian
The above words of the dictator Lenine may thro