conquest of
power by the revolutionary proletariat in Germany will assure the
world revolution. The recent butchery of the Spartacans by the
Government of 'Socialist' assassins has not crushed the
revolutionary masses; on the contrary, the masses have been
aroused, the Ebert-Scheidemann government depending more and more
upon the worst elements of the old regime; it is being isolated,
and the workers are rallying to the Soviets."
"The Ohio Socialist," published in Cleveland, and claiming to be the
"Official Organ of the Socialist Parties of Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia,
West Virginia and New Mexico," in the spring of 1919 gave its unlimited
support to Bolshevism. "The Proletarian," then a Socialist paper of
Detroit, was in thorough accord with Bolshevists, Spartacists and
Communists, of Russia, Germany and Hungary respectively. The following
quotations are taken from the April, 1919, edition:
"In order to be a good American, according to the view of the
powers that be, it is necessary to repeat and believe the stories
written in the capitalist press about the Bolsheviki. But we, who
know what is going on, and do not believe them, maintain that a
person can be truthful, and still be an American. That he can be a
good, pure, unadulterated American, and still lend his sympathies
to the Bolsheviki.
"In revolutionary Germany the struggle between the defenders of
capitalism and the champions of working class emanicipation--the
Spartacides and their adherents--continues almost unceasingly. The
'democratic' government has taken desperate steps to crush the
revolution; there have been wholesale executions and other
repressive acts....
"The final conflict is now on. 'Ruthless slaughter' is the
governmental decree with Gustav Noske, 'minister of defense,' in
charge of the butchering. And what is it that Noske and his
'Socialist' colleagues are defending? The interests of the German
capitalists. Sacred private property rights are in danger; the
stronghold of capitalism is being assailed. The expropriation of
the capitalists is the aim of the proletarian revolutionists....
"All the old friends of Kaiserism--Hoffman, Hindenberg and the
rest--are lined up against the Spartacans. Although these elements
of reaction have gained temporary victory, the workers are