y: "Revolution Is Only Solution of World-Wide Unrest,
Says Nearing." In the course of the article Scott Nearing's suggestion
of revolt is mentioned: "As against Professor Hart's proposal of a
League of Nations, I suggest revolution." The "New York Times," April
28, 1919, commented in part on the debate as follows:
"'Who wants war?' asked Professor Hart. 'Scott Nearing wants war
and the people who think as he does, want war. Revolution is
nothing but civil war and we see its result in the Russian
revolution. Russia passed through three revolutions and is that the
kind of result we want in order to overthrow what he calls this
robber nation?'
"A whirlwind of applause marked this and through the applause was
heard a chorus of voices shouting 'yes.' The meeting cheered
Nearing's frequent references to 'revolution,' to the Russian
Soviet Republic and applauded his radical utterances, although he
had requested that he be permitted to speak without interruption.
The theatre contained about 3,000 persons who filled all the seats,
the stage and stood in the aisles, after paying from 25 cents to
$1.50 admission.
"Judging from the manifestations of approval of Nearing's remarks,
the large audience appeared to be overwhelmingly composed of
revolutionary Socialists, and when the speaker declared he believed
in a League of Socialist Nations the crowd vigorously applauded in
a way that left no doubt of its sentiment."
"The Call" in its May Day issue, 1919, published an article on
present-day revolutionary tactics of the Socialists:
"The world revolution, dreamed of as a thing of the distant future,
has become a live reality, rising from the graves of the murdered
millions and the misery and suffering of the surviving millions. It
has taken form, it strikes forward, borne on by the despair of the
masses and the shining example of the martyrs. Its spread is
irrepressible. The bridges are burnt behind the old capitalist
society and its path is forever cut off. Capitalist society is
bankrupt and the only salvation of humanity lies in the uprising of
the masses, in the victory of the Socialist revolution, in the
renovating forces of Socialism.
"The world war which is now about to be officially closed has slid
into a condition neither war nor peace. However, the war of the