strial life in Bolshevikland."
Did Martens and Hillquit advise Lenine and Trotzky to disguise their
American propaganda by using the Industrial Unions of Russia as their
cat's-paw? We ask this because Hillquit has long been "Councillor" in
America to the Russian Soviet Republic,[L] while the above method of
inflaming American labor unions has been the secret method of the
Socialist Party's Rand School of Science for some years--since 1916, at
least. These are facts established by documents obtained in the summer
of 1919 by raids of the Rand School, put in evidence before the New York
State Legislative Committee, Senator Clayton R. Lusk, Chairman, and
referred to in the July 30, 1919, issue of "The National Civic
Federation Review," from which we quote the following:
"One David P. Berenberg is director of the correspondence
department of the Rand School. From the letter-files seized there,
evidence was produced showing the kind of propaganda conducted
through Berenberg's department. In a carbon copy of a letter to
Harry L. Perkins, of San Diego, Cal., dated June 7, 1916, the
statement was made:
"'When we read of 'preparedness' that is in full force in the camps
of the capitalists, we realize that unless we organize and fit
ourselves to resist, and to take over the government, we will one
day find ourselves where our French and German brothers are today,
dead or maimed in the fray.'
"'In other words,' commented Chairman Lusk, 'for over two years
this Rand School has been advocating armed preparedness to take
over the government.'
"A letter--obviously after a form letter sent to correspondents
generally--dated October 3, 1916, addressed to M. E. Rabb, Xenia,
Ohio, offered as evidence, contained the following:
"'What are you doing when the State robs you and your union and so
makes you helpless to strike? There is only one thing to do: take
over the State.
"'Are the members of your local prepared to take over and conduct
wisely and well the affairs of your town and county? Are you
prepared to meet the militia when the powers of the State and
courts are against you? Are you arming yourself with the knowledge
of the foundations of our society so that when these crises come to
you, you will have an organization strong enough to have foreseen
and forestalled them? Are you training