of America. It says in part:
"Socialism does not believe in the State, wants to annihilate it
entirely. It holds that the task of the State has always been to
oppress the country in the interests of one class. So long as there
are classes in society which seek supremacy, the mastery, there
must be a State. But as soon as classes are eliminated the State
will have no justification for existence, and it will disappear of
"The Socialist movement rouses the workingmen to revolution. It
preaches to them the class struggle, awakens within them
class-consciousness, makes all necessary preparations for
Socialistic order. When society is ready for the overturn, when the
Socialistic organization feels that the moment has come, it will
make the revolution.
"The dictatorship will be employed for the one thing, to eliminate
capitalism by force, take away by force the capital from private
owners and transfer it to the ownership of the community. The
industries will be managed by the workingmen through their soviets.
"Let the true Socialists stand as sentinels; let them see that the
Socialist programs strike with hot, revolutionary blood. The great
task of the Socialist movement is to create an army in this country
which should be ready to make the Socialist revolution when the
suitable moment arrives. This army must know its aims and the
method of attaining these aims, must be an intelligent army. Every
soldier in it must himself know the way, the plans, the strategy."
In the "Outline of the Evidence Taken Before the Judiciary Committee to
and Including February 5, 1920," issued by counsel for the State, they
quote from the Yiddish book, cited above, referring to the printed
"Testimony," pages 199, 204 and 207, in proof that the Jewish Socialist
Federation, which published the book, is "part of the Socialist Party,"
and introducing their citations from the book with the very significant
remark, "Published in Yiddish the principles of Socialism were not
camouflaged as they frequently are in English." Bearing this in mind,
let us note how this plain-spoken book, which we cite from the State
counsel's "Outline," pages 31-34, gives the lie to Hillquit's camouflage
about "revolution" being "evolution." The book says:
"History teaches us that through evolution, through natural
developments a