reports on "concentration" policy of Weyler, 86;
asks for warship to protect Americans at Havana, 97;
_Maine_ sent, 98;
commands troops at Havana, 121.
Lee, Robert Edward, declines to join Lopez, III, 39.
Legrand, Pedro, invades Cuba, I, 302.
Leiva, Lopez, Secretary of Government, IV, 297.
Lemus, Jose Morales, III, 333.
Lendian, Evelio Rodriguez, educator, sketch and portrait, IV, 162.
Liberal Party, III, 306;
triumphant through revolution, IV, 285;
dissensions, 303;
conspiracy against election, 329.
Liberty Loans, Cuban subscriptions to, IV, 352.
Lighthouse service, under Mario G. Menocal, IV, 168.
Linares, Tomas de, first Rector of University of Havana, II, 11.
Lindsay, Forbes, quoted, II, 217.
Linschoten, Jan H. van, historian, quoted, I, 351.
Liquor, intoxicating, prohibited in 1780, II, 150.
Literary periodicals: _El Habanero_, III, 321;
_El Plantel_, 324;
_Cuban Review_, 325;
_Havana Review_, 329.
Literature, II, 245;
early works, 252;
poets, 274;
great development of activity, III, 315 et seq.
Little Inagua, I, 4.
Llorente, Pedro, in Constitutional Convention, IV, 188, 190.
Lobera, Juan de, commander of La Fuerza, I, 182;
desperate defence against Sores, 185.
Lolonois, pirate, I, 296.
Long Island. See FERDINANDINA.
Lopez, Narciso, sketch and portrait, III, 23;
in Venezuela, 24;
joins the Spanish
army, 26;
marries and settles in Cuba, 30;
against the Carlists in Spain, 31;
friend of Valdez, 31;
offices and honors, 33;
plans Cuban revolution, 36;
betrayed and fugitive, 37;
consults Jefferson Davis and Robert E. Lee, 38;
first American expedition, 39;
members of the party, 40;
activity in Southern States, 43;
expedition starts, 45;
proclamation to his men, 46;
lands at Cardenas, 49;
lack of Cuban support, 54;
reembarks, 56;
lands at Key West, 58;
arrested and tried, 60;
second expedition organized, 65;
betrayed, 67;
third expedition, 70;
final expedition organized, 91;
lands in Cuba, 98;
defeated and captured, 112;
death, 114;
results of his works, 116.
Lorenzo, Gen., Governor at Santiago, II, 347.
Lorraine, Si