Unzaga, Luis de, Governor, II, 157.
Urrutia, historian, quoted, I, 300.
Urrutia, Sancho de, I, 111.
Utrecht, Treaty of, I, 326;
begins new era, II, 1.
Uznaga, Luis de, sent to rule Louisiana, II, 126;
reforms, 165.
Vaca, Cabeza de, I, 140.
Vadillo, Juan, declines to investigate Guzman, I, 118;
temporary Governor, 119;
tremendous indictment of Guzman, 120;
retires after good work, 121;
clash with Bishop Ramirez, 124.
Valdes, historian, quoted, II, 175.
Valdes, Gabriel de la Conception, III, 325.
Valdes, Jeronimo, Bishop, I, 335.
Valdes, Pedro de, Governor, I, 202, 272;
retires, 276.
Valdes, Geronimo, Governor, II, 364.
Valdueza, Marquis de, I, 281.
Valiente, Jose Pablo, II, 170, 180.
Valiente, Juan Bautista, Governor of Santiago, II, 180.
Vallizo, Diego, I, 277.
Valmaseda, Count, Governor, proclamation against revolution, III,
171, 270;
recalled for barbarities, 273.
Van Buren, Martin, on United States and Cuba, II, 331.
Vandeval, Nicolas C., I, 331, 333.
Varela, Felix, sketch and portrait, III, 320;
works, 321.
Varnhagen, F. A. de, quoted, I, 2.
Varona, Bernabe de, sketch and portrait, III, 178.
Varona, Jose Enrique, Secretary of Treasury, IV, 159;
Vice President, 312;
biography, 316;
portrait, facing 316.
Varona, Pepe Jerez, chief of secret service, IV, 268.
Vasquez, Juan, I, 330.
Vedado, view in, IV, 176.
Vega, Pedro Guerra de la, I, 243;
asks fugitives to aid in defence against Drake, 248.
Velasco, Francisco de Aguero, II, 345.
Velasco, Luis Vicente, defender of Morro against British, II, 58;
signal valor, 61;
death, 67.
Velasquez, Antonio, errand to Spain, I, 77
Velasquez, Bernardino, I, 115.
Velasquez, Diego, first Governor of Cuba, I, 59;
portrait, 59;
colonizes Cuba, 60;
hostilities with natives, 61, explores the island, 67;
marriage and bereavement, 68;
founds various towns, 68;
begins Cuban commerce, 68;
organizes government, 69;
favored by King Ferdinand, 73;
appointed Adelantado, 74;
seeks to rule Yucatan and Mexico, 85;
recalls Grijalva, 88;
quarrels with Cortez, 91;
sends Cortez to explore Mexico, 92, 94;
seeks to interc