I, 3.
Isabella, Queen, portrait, I, 13.
Isidore of Seville, quoted, I, 4.
Islas de Arena, I, 11.
Isle of Pines, I, 26;
recognized as part of Cuba, 224;
status under Platt Amendment, IV, 255.
Italian settlers in Cuba, I, 169.
Ivonnet, Negro insurgent, IV, 307.
Jamaica, Columbus at, I, 20.
Japan. See CIPANGO.
Jaruco, founded, II, 131.
Jefferson, Thomas, on Cuban annexation, II, 260;
III, 132.
Jeronimite Order, made guardian of Indians, I, 78;
becomes their oppressor, 127.
Jesuits, controversy over, II, 86;
expulsion of, 111.
Jordan, Thomas, joins Cuban revolution, III, 211.
Jorrin, Jose Silverio, portrait, facing III, 308.
Jovellar, Joachim, Governor, III, 273;
proclaims state of siege, 289;
resigns, 290.
Juana, Columbus's first name for Cuba, I, 13.
Juan Luis Keys, I, 21.
Judiciary, reforms in, II, 110;
under Navarro, 142;
under Unzaga, 165;
under Leonard Wood, IV, 177.
Junta, Cuban, in United States, III, 91;
New York, IV, 2;
branches elsewhere, 3;
policy in enlisting men, 19.
Junta de Fomento, II, 178.
Juntas of the Laborers, III, 174.
Keppel, Gen. See ALBEMARLE.
Key Indians, I, 125;
expedition against, 126.
"Key of the New World and Bulwark of the Indies," I, 210.
Kindelan, Sebastian de, II, 197, 315.
Lacoste, Perfecto, Secretary of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce,
IV, 160.
Land tenure, II, 12;
absentee landlords, 214.
Lanuza, Gonzalez, Secretary of Justice, IV, 146;
portrait, 146.
Lares, Amador de, I, 93.
La Salle, in Cuba, I, 73.
Las Casas, Bartholomew, Apostle to the Indies, arrival in Cuba, I, 63;
portrait, 64;
denounces Narvaez, 66;
begins campaign against slavery, 75;
mission to Spain, 77;
before Ximenes, 77.
Las Casas, Luis de, Governor, II, 175;
portrait, 175;
death, 182.
Lasso de la Vega, Juan, Bishop, II, 17.
Lawton, Gen. Henry W., leads advance against Spanish, IV, 112;
Military Governor of Oriente, 139.
Lazear, Camp, established, IV, 172.
Lazear, Jesse W., hero and martyr in yellow fever campaign, IV, 172.
Ledesma, Francisco Rodriguez, Governor, I, 310.
Lee, Fitzhugh, Consul General at Havana, IV, 72