, 199;
commander of Spanish fleet, 200;
clash with Osorio, 201;
Governor of Cuba, 205;
dealing with increasing enemies, 208;
fortifies Havana, 209;
recalled to Spain, 213;
conflict with Bishop Castillo, 226.
Menocal, Aniceto G., portrait, IV, 50.
Menocal, Mario G., Assistant Secretary of War, IV, 49;
Chief of Police at Havana, 144, 150;
in charge of Lighthouse Service, 168;
candidate for President, 290;
slandered by Liberals, 291;
elected President, 312;
biography, 312;
portrait, facing 312;
view of birthplace, 313;
Cabinet, 320;
opinion of Cuba's needs, 321;
first message, 322;
conflict with Congress, 323;
important reforms, 324;
suppresses rebellion, 327;
candidate for reelection, 328;
vigorous action against Gomez's rebellion, 335;
declines American aid, 337;
escapes assassination, 339;
reelection confirmed, 341;
clemency to traitors, 342;
message on entering Great War, 346;
fulfilment of Marti's ideals, 355;
estimate of his administration, 356;
achievements for education, 357;
health, 357;
industry and commerce, 358;
finance, 359;
"from Velasquez to Menocal," 365.
Menocal, Senora, leadership of Cuban womanhood in Red Cross and
other work, IV, 354;
portrait, facing 352.
Mercedes, Maria de las, quoted, II, 174;
on slave insurrection, 368.
Merchan, Rafael, III, 174;
patriotic works, 335.
Merlin, Countess de. See MERCEDES.
_Merrimac_, sunk at Santiago, IV, 111.
Mesa, Hernando de, first Bishop, I, 122.
Mestre, Jose Manuel, sketch and portrait, III, 326.
Meza, Sr., Secretary of Public Instruction and Arts, IV, 297.
Mexico, discovered and explored from Cuba, I, 87;
designs upon Cuba, II, 262;
Cuban expedition against, 346;
warned off by United States, III, 134;
fall of Maximilian, 150.
Milanes, Jose Jacinto, sketch, portrait and works, III, 324.
Miles, Gen. Nelson A., prepares for invasion of Cuba, IV, 111.
Miranda, Francisco, II, 156;
with Bolivar, 335.
Miscegenation, II, 204.
Molina, Francisco, I, 290.
Monastic orders, I, 276.
Monroe Doctrine, foreshadowed, II, 256;
promulgated, 328.
Monroe, James, interest in Cuba, I