sued, III, 155.
Maraveo Ponce de Leon, Gomez de, I, 339.
Marco Polo, I, 4, 20.
Marcy, William L., policy toward Cuba, III, 136.
Mar de la Nuestra Senora, I, 18.
Mariguana. See GUANAHANI.
Marin, Sabas, succeeds Campos in command, IV, 63.
Markham, Sir Clements, on Columbus's first landing, I, 12.
Marmol, Donato, III, 173, 184.
Marquez, Pedro Menendez, I, 206.
Marriage law, reformed under American occupation, IV, 152;
controversy over, 153.
Marti, Jose, portrait, frontispiece, Vol IV;
leader of War of Independence, IV, 2;
his career, 9;
in New York, 11;
organizes Junta, 11;
goes to Cuba, 15;
death, 16;
his war manifesto, 17;
fulfilment of his ideals, 355.
Marti, Jose, secretary of War, portrait, IV, 360.
Marti, the pirate, II, 357.
Martinez Campos. See Campos.
Martinez, Dionisio de la Vega, Governor, II, 8;
inscription on La Punta, 14.
Martinez, Juan, I, 192.
Martyr, Peter, I, 53.
Maso, Bartolome, revolutionist, IV, 34;
rebukes Spotorno, 35;
President of Cuban Republic, 43;
Vice President of Council, 48;
President of Republic, 90;
candidate for Vice President, 242;
seeks Presidency, 243.
Mason, James M., U. S. Minister to France, III, 141.
Masse, E. M., describes slave trade, II, 202;
rural life, 216;
on Spanish policy toward Cuba, 227;
social morals, 230.
Matanzas, founded, I, 321;
meaning of name, 321.
Maura, Sr., proposes Cuban reforms, IV, 5.
McCullagh, John B., reorganizes Havana Police, IV, 150.
McKinley, William, President of United States, message of 1897
on Cuba, IV, 87;
declines European mediation, 103;
message for war, 104.
Maza, Enrique, assaults Hugh S. Gibson, IV, 308.
Mazariegos, Diego de, Governor, I, 191;
a scandalous moralist, 193;
defences against privateering, 193;
takes charge of La Fuerza, 195;
controversy with Governor of Florida, 196;
replaced by Sandoval, 197.
Medina, Fernando de, I, 111.
Mendez-Capote, Fernando, Secretary of Sanitation, portrait, IV, 360.
Mendieta, Carlos, candidate for Vice President, IV, 328;
rebels, 338.
Mendive, Rafael Maria de, III, 328.
Mendoza, Martin de, I, 204.
Menendez, Pedro de Aviles, I