rank among
the noteworthy government buildings of the world. In the contrast
between it and ancient La Fuerza, its original predecessor, is suggested
the whole span of Cuban history.]
We shall profitably pause for a space in our narrative, to note what
manner of Constitution it was that was thus adopted:
We, the delegates of the people of Cuba, in national convention
assembled for the purpose of framing and adopting the Fundamental Law
under which Cuba is to be organized as an independent and sovereign
State, and be given a government capable of fulfilling its
international obligations, preserving order, securing liberty and
justice, and promoting the general welfare, do hereby ordain, adopt, and
establish, invoking the favor of God, the following Constitution:
ARTICLE 1. The people of Cuba constitute themselves into a sovereign,
independent State and adopt a republican form of government.
ART. 2. The island of Cuba and the islands and islets adjacent thereto,
which up to the date of the ratification of the treaty of Paris, of
December 10, 1898, were under the sovereignty of Spain, form the
territory of the Republic.
ART. 3. The territory of the Republic shall be divided into the six
provinces which now exist, each of which shall retain its present
boundaries. The determination of their names corresponds to the
respective provincial councils.
The provinces may by resolution of their respective provincial councils
and the approval of Congress annex themselves to other provinces, or
subdivide their territory and form new provinces.
ART. 4. Cuban nationality is acquired by birth or by naturalization.
ART. 5. Cubans by birth are:
1. All persons born of Cuban parents whether within or without the
territory of the Republic.
2. All persons born of foreign parents within the territory of the
Republic, provided that on becoming of age they apply for inscription,
as Cubans, in the proper register.
3. All persons born in foreign countries of parents natives of Cuba who
have forfeited their Cuban nationality, provided that on becoming of age
they apply for their inscription as Cubans in the register aforesaid.
ART. 6. Cubans by naturalization are:
1. Foreigners who having served in the liberating army claim Cuban
nationality within six months following the promulgation of this
2. Fore