eakness at the
commencement. Yesterday's defeat of rebels gives Government hope.
Attempts useless from start."
On September 12, Consul-General Steinhart again cabled.
"Secretary of State the Republic of Cuba at 3:40 to-day delivered to me
memorandum in his own handwriting, a translation of which follows, and
is transmitted notwithstanding the previous secret instructions on the
subject. The rebellion is increasing in Provinces of Santa Clara, Habana
and Pinar del Rio, and Cuban Government has no elements to contend with
it, to defend the towns and prevent the rebels from destroying property.
President Estrada Palma asks for American intervention and begs
President Roosevelt to send to Habana with the greatest secrecy and
rapidity 2,000 or 3,000 men to avoid any catastrophe in the capital. The
intervention asked for should not be made public until American troops
are in Habana. The situation is grave and any delay may produce massacre
of citizens in Habana."
The next day, Mr. Steinhart again cabled:
"President Palma, the Republic of Cuba, through me officially asked for
American intervention because he can not prevent rebels from entering
cities and burning property. It is doubtful whether quorum when Congress
assembles next Friday, tomorrow. President Palma has irrevocably
resolved to resign and to deliver the government of Cuba to the
representative whom the President of the United States will designate,
as soon as sufficient American troops are landed in Cuba. This act on
the part of President Palma to save his country from complete anarchy
and imperative intervention come immediately. It may be necessary to
land force of _Denver_ to protect American property. About 8,000 rebels
outside Habana. Cienfuegos also at mercy of rebels. Three sugar
plantations destroyed. Foregoing all resolved in Palace."
On September 14, Consul-General Steinhart finally cabled:
"President Palma has resolved not to continue at head of the government,
and is ready to present his resignation even though present disturbances
should cease at once. The Vice President has resolved not to accept the
office. Cabinet ministers have declared that they will previously
resign. Under these conditions it is impossible that Congress will meet
for the lack of a proper person to convoke same to designate new
President. The consequences will be the absence of legal power, and
therefore the prevailing state of anarchy will continue unless