nd instruction, but it pertains to the State to determine what
professions shall require special titles, what conditions shall be
required for their practice and for the securing of diplomas, as well as
for the issuing thereof as established by law.
ART. 32. No one shall be deprived of his property, except by competent
authority, upon proof that the condemnation is required by public
utility, and previous indemnification. If the indemnification is not
previously paid, the courts shall protect the owners and, if needed,
restore to them the property.
ART. 33. In no case shall the penalty of confiscation of property be
ART. 34. No person is bound to pay any tax or impost not legally
established and the collection of which is not carried out in the manner
prescribed by the laws.
ART. 35. Every author or inventor shall enjoy the exclusive ownership of
his work or invention for the time and in the manner determined by law.
ART. 36. The enumeration of the rights expressly guaranteed by this
Constitution does not exclude other rights based upon the principle of
the sovereignty of the people and the republican form of Government.
ART. 37. The laws regulating the exercise of the rights which this
Constitution guarantees shall be null and void if said rights are
abridged, restricted, or adulterated by them.
ART. 38. All Cubans of the masculine sex, over twenty-one years of age,
have the right of suffrage, except the following:
1. Those who are inmates of asylums.
2. Those judicially declared to be mentally incapacitated.
3. Those judicially deprived of civil rights on account of crime.
4. Those serving in the land or naval forces of the Republic when in
active service.
ART. 39. The laws shall establish rules and methods of procedure to
guarantee the intervention of the minorities in the preparation of the
census of electors, and in all other electoral matters, and its
representation in the House of Representatives and in the provincial and
municipal councils.
ART. 40. The guaranties established in articles 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23,
24, and 27, section first of this title, shall not be suspended either
in the whole Republic, or in any part thereof, except temporarily and
when the safety of the state may require it, in cases of invasion of the
territory or of serious disturbances that may threaten publ