and measure.
The 16 day I tooke 8 li. 1 ounce of gold: and since the departure of the
Hinde I heard not of her, but when our pledge went into the countrey the
first night, he said he saw her cast anker aboue fiue leagues from this
place. The 17 day I sold about 17 pieces of cloth, and tooke 4 li. 4 ounces
and a halfe of gold. The 18 day the captaine desired to haue some of our
wine, and offered halfe a ducket of gold for a bottell: but I gaue it him
freely, and made him and his traine drinke besides. And this day also I
tooke 5 li. 5 ounces of gold. The 19 day we sold about 18 clothes, and
tooke 4 li. 4 ounces and one quarter of golde.
The 20 day tooke 3 li. sixe ounces and a quarter of golde. The 21 we tooke
8 li. 7. ounces and a quarter. The 22. 3. li. 8. ounces and a quarter. And
this night about 4 of the clocke the Captaine who had layen all this while
vpon the shoare, went away with all the rest of the people with him.
The 23 day we were waued a shoare by other Negroes, and sold them cloth,
caskets, kniues, and a dosen of bels, and tooke 1 li. 10 ounces of gold.
The 24 likewise we sold bels, sheetes, and thimbles, and tooke two li. one
ounce and a quarter of gold. The 25 day we sold 7 dosen of smal bels and
other things, and then perceiuing their gold to be done, we wayed and set
sayle and went to leeward to seeke the Hinde, and about 5 of the clocke at
night we had sight of her, and bare with her, and understood that shee had
made some sales. The 26 day wee receiued out of the Hinde 48 li. 3 ounces
and one eight part of golde, which they had taken in the time that we were
from them. And this day vpon the request of a Negro that came vnto vs from
a captaine, we went to shoare with our marchandize, and tooke 7 li. and one
ounce of gold. At this place they required no gages of vs, but at night
they sent a man aboord vs, which lay with vs all night, because we might
knowe that they would also come to vs the next day. The 27 day in both our
shippes we tooke 8. li. one ounce, three quarters and halfe a quarter of
golde. The 28 we made sales for the companie, and tooke one pound and half
an ounce of gold. The 29 day in the morning we heard two calieuers shot off
vpon the shore, which we iudged to be either by the Portugales or by the
Negroes of the Portugales: we manned our boates and armed our selues and
went to shoare, but coulde finde nothing: for they were gone. The 30 day we
made more sales for the compani