s_ ..., the second
_the death of 210_!!
Although the death of an honorable man, like Carnot, may be regretted,
it is not to be compared to the mass of human sufferings, misery and woe
which fell upon these 467 working-class _families_, equally innocent as
It will be said, it is true, that the murder of Carnot was the
_voluntary_ act of a fanatic, while no one directly killed these 467
miners!--And certainly this is a difference.
But it must be remarked that if the death of these 467 miners is not
_directly_ the voluntary work of any one, it is _indirectly_ a result of
individual capitalism, which, to swell its revenues, reduces expenses to
the lowest possible point, does not curtail the hours of labor, and does
not take all the _preventive_ measures indicated by science and
sometimes even enjoined by law, which is in such cases not respected,
for the justice of every country is as flexible to accommodate the
interests of the ruling class as it is rigid when applied against the
interests of the working-class.
If the mines were collectively owned, it is certain the owners would be
less stingy about taking all the technical preventive precautions
(electric lighting, for instance), which would diminish the number of
these frightful catastrophes which infinitely increase the anonymous
multitude of the martyrs of toil and which do not even trouble the
digestion of the _share-holders_ in mining companies.
That is what the individualist regime gives us; all this will be
transformed by the socialist regime.
[73] RIENZI, _l'Anarchisme_; DEVILLE, _l'Anarchisme_.
[74] A. ROSSI, _l'Agitazione in Sicilia_, Milan, 1894. COLAJANNI, _In
Sicilia_, Rome, 1894.
[75] The _camorre_ were tyrannical secret societies that were formerly
prevalent and powerful in Italy.--Translator.
[76] I must recognize that one of the recent historians of socialism,
_M. l'Abbe Winterer_--more candid and honorable than more than one
jesuitical journalist--distinguishes always, in each country, the
_socialist_ movement from the _anarchist_ movement.
WINTERER, _le Socialisme contemporain_, Paris, 1894, 2nd edition.
One of the strangest facts in the history of the scientific thought of
the nineteenth century is that, though the profound scientific
revolution caused by Darwinism and Spencerian evolution has
reinvigorated with new youth all the