elovitch, see Danielovitch.
Jena, battle of, 482.
Jews, attempt of Andre to convert the, 96.
Joseph II. (of Germany) eccentricity of, 437.
visit to St. Petersburg, 438.
Kavgadi, taken possession of by Michel, 137.
Kezan, captured by Ivan III., 170.
siege of, 229.
capture of, 235.
insurrection in, 240.
Khan see Genghis.
Khozars, the, conquered by Sviatoslaf, 46.
Kief, beauty of the city of, 28.
the Norman adventurers Ascolod and Dir remain there, 29.
taken by Oleg, 31.
the capital of Russia transferred from, to Bulgaria, 48.
captured by Vladimir, 52.
decoration of, by Yaroslaf, 61.
punishment of, by Ysiaslaf, 63.
destruction of the citizens of, 66.
government offered to Monomaque, 70.
festival in honor of the new reign, 71.
the inhabitants of, invite Vladimirovitch to ascend the throne of, 76.
triumphal entrance of Georges into, 80.
Roman appointed prince of, 92.
plundered by the Tartars, 124.
Kolomna, emigration from Moscow to, 163.
Kostroma, burned by Constantine, 104.
Kothian (prince of Polovtsi) retreats to Hungary, 123.
Koulikof, battle of, 149.
Kouria (chief of the Petchenegues) defeats Sviatoslaf and makes a
drinking cup of his skull, 49.
Ladislaus elected emperor, 286.
his election declared void, 287.
Laharpe, efforts of, for the education of Alexander, 473.
Leczinsky (Stanislaus) placed on the Polish throne, 335.
Leon (of Constantine) imbecility of, 35.
Library, foundation of the royal, of St. Petersburg, 345.
Lippenow (Zachary) puts the Polish garrison to death, 287.
London, Peter the Great's visit to, 322.
London Postman, extract from the, 322.
Macedon, see Philip of.
Machmet, flattery of Jean to, 162.
Mahomet II., wars with Genghis Khan, 116.
death of, 116.
Marcow (Russian embassador) ordered to leave France, 476.
Maria (wife of Vsevolod III.) character of, 102.
Marriage, singular customs in, 289.
Martyrs, Ivan and Theodore, the first Christians, 53.
Menzikoff, sketch of the life of, 336.
banished by Frederic II., 366.
death of, 366.
Michael III. (of Constantinople), 29.
Michel (of Tchernigof, son of Monomaque) offered the throne of
Russia, 97.
his reign and death, 98.
Michel (of Tver) succeeds Andre on the throne of Russia, 136.
presents himself before the Tartar horde, 138.
execution of, 140.
Missionaries sent through Russia to teach Christianity