ven to, 61.
death of, 65.
Sviatoslaf, (grandson of Oleg) given the command of the troops of
Andre, 93.
defeated at Vouoychegorod, 94.
Sviatoslaf (prince of Tchernigof) marches against Vsevelod, 99.
establishes his court at Novgorod, 99.
treaty of, with Vsevelod, 100.
marriage of, 100.
Sviatosolaf (brother of Igor) attempts to recover the throne
for Igor, 78.
conquered by Ysiaslaf, 79.
Sylvestre, bold address of, to Ivan IV., 221
Tamerlane invades Russia, 153.
history of, 157.
Tartars, reign of the, 113.
plunder Kief, 124.
embrace Mahommedanism, 131.
defeat of the, by Dmitri, 151.
panic and retreat of the, 181.
Tchanibek assassinates his brother and assumes the Tartar rule, 144.
Tchernigof, the territory of, given to Sviatoslaf, 61.
Tchoudes, the, conquered by Mstislaf, 76.
Temoutchin rise of, 114.
assumes the name of Genghis Khan, 115.
See Genghis Khan.
Theology, the Tartars, 127.
Tilsit, peace of, 487.
Toleration in religion granted by Oleg, 33.
of Vladimir, 56.
Trajan, province of Dacia conquered by, 19.
Treaty of Oleg with the Greeks, 86.
Tribute exacted by the Tartars, 129.
Truvor, Rurik, and Sineous, consent to govern Scandinavia, 27.
death of, 28.
Turkey overrun by the Russians, 419.
peace with, 425.
treaty between, and Russia, 513.
Turkish Question, see Eastern Question.
Tzars, see Chronology and Russia.
Usbeck (king of the Tartars) great hunting expedition of, 138.
appoints Alexander, son of Michel, to the throne of Russia, 141.
death of, 144.
Vassali, succeeds Yaroslaf, 132.
death of, 132.
Dmitri succeeds, 133.
ascends the throne, 155.
death of, 161.
Vassalievitch ascends the throne, 162.
deposed by Youri, 163.
returns to Moscow, 164.
capture of, 165.
his eyes torn out, 165.
re-captures Moscow, 166.
change in character of, 166
death of, 167.
Vassian (archbishop of Moscow) letter of, to Ivan III., 179.
honor and death of, 183.
(of Kolumna) advice of, to Ivan IV., 242.
Vassili (son of Ivan III.) marriage of, 189.
ascends the throne, 191.
treaty of, with the Tartars, 192.
embassage from, to the Turks, 193.
embassage from the Turks to, 194.
embassage from Germany to, 194.
unites with Poland against the Turks, 197.
death of, 198.
Viatcheslaf, the territory of, given to Smolensk, 61.
Viatcheslaf seizes the throne of Kief, 77.