vonians, conquests of the, 22.
early religion of the, 26.
send to the Normans to demand a king, 26.
Schools introduction of, 57.
character of the, 475.
Scythians, irruption of the, into Russia, 17.
character of the, 18.
name changed to "Sarmatians," 18.
Sevastopol, siege of, 514.
Siberia, position and character of, 273.
Sigismond (of Poland) invades Russia, 205.
Simeon (son of Danielovitch) ascends the throne, 143
(son of Jean) acquires the title of the Superb, 144.
death of, 145.
Sineous, Rurik, and Truvor, consent to govern Scandinavia, 27.
death of, 28.
Slave, the use of the word abolished, 327
Slavery in Russia, 202.
Slave Trade, argument used for the, 100.
Sloutsk, burned by Gleb, 73.
Smolensk, Truvor establishes his court near, 27.
gains territory of Viatcheslaf, 61.
flight of, Ysiaslaf to, 80.
Sophia instigates a massacre, 304.
appointed as regent, 306.
quells an insurrection, 307.
returns to Moscow, 308.
sends first embassador to France, 308.
attempts to assassinate Peter, 309.
termination of the regency of, 310.
insurrection headed by, 325.
Souzdal increasing civilization of, 83.
sympathy of the people of, for Sviatoslaf, 79.
the country of, desolated, 80.
Staradoub, siege of, 206.
St. Petersburg, founding of, 334.
arrival of first ship at, 335.
Swedes driven from, 336.
the winter palace of, 505.
St. Sophia, burial of Vsevolod in the church of, 68.
Succession, the Russian right of, 112.
Suwarrow (Gen.), character and origin of, 461.
his hatred of the French, 462.
vanquishes Moreau, 464.
utter defeat of, 465.
Sviatopolk (the Miserable) seizes Russia and kills his brothers, 58.
defeated by Yaroslaf, 59.
drives Yaroslaf from Kief, 59.
poisons the Polish army, 59.
driven from Kief, 59.
raises an army of Petchenegues, 59.
flight and death of, 60.
Sviatopolk assumes the government of Russia, 69.
defeat and flight of, 69.
character and death of, 70.
Sviatoslaf, son of Igor, 42.
his opposition to embracing Christianity, 44.
assumes the crown, 45.
his character and ambition, 45.
conquers the Khozars, 46.
annexes Bulgaria, 46.
indulgencies of, 47.
transfers his capital from Kief to Bulgaria, 48.
the sons of, 48.
reconquers Peregeslavetz, 48.
driven from Bulgaria, 48.
personal appearance of, 49.
defeat of, by the Petchenegues, and death of, 49.
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