gof) invited to seize the throne of Russia, 82.
driven from the throne by Rostislaf, 83.
flight of, to Moscow, 83.
Danielovitch (Jean) appointed Grand Prince by the Tartars, 142.
reign and death of, 143.
Diana, temple of, burned at Ephesus, 19.
Diderot, Visit of, to Catharine, and her correspondence with him, 423.
Dimsdale (Dr. Thomas) introduces inoculation, 411.
Discoveries during the reign of Ivan, 190.
Dnieper, baptism of the nation in the, 56.
plunder of the commerce on the, 86.
Dimitri ascends the throne, 133.
drives Andre from Novgorod, 133.
disasters and death of, 134.
Dimitri (son of Michel) assassinates Georges, 140.
execution of, 141.
Dmitri (of Souzdal) accession of, to the throne, 146.
deposed, 146.
Dmitri (of Moscow) crowned sovereign, 146.
conquers the Tartars, 147.
wounded, 152.
death of, 156.
Dmitri Chemyaka assumes the government, 166;
death of, 166.
Dmitri (prince, son of Ivan IV.) assassination of, 274.
Griska claims to be, 278.
see Griska.
Dmitry declines the throne, 131.
Drevliens, debasement of the tribe of, 25.
revolt of the, against Igor, 38.
their punishment and enthusiasm of, for Olga, 42.
Droutsk burned by Yaropolk, 73.
Eastern Question, the cause of the present war of the, 507.
Ecclesiastical Council called to rectify evils in the church, 132.
Elizabeth (daughter of Peter the Great) conspiracy of, 368.
seizes the throne, 369.
victories of, over Frederic of Prussia, 375.
death of, 377.
character of, 378.
Embassador of Andre insulted, 92.
the first from Russia, 248.
Emigration of Russians to the mouth of the Volga, 97.
Emperors, see Russia and Chronology.
England, influence of, in Europe, 244.
amicable arrangement of Russia with, 249.
friendship between Russia and, 248.
Entertainment, description of a royal, 415.
Etiquette, laws of, as to young ladies, 203.
Eylau, battle of, 483.
Famine in Russia, 105.
Feodor (son of Ivan IV.) ascends the throne, 270.
his incapacity, 273.
death of, 274.
Feodor (son of Alexis) ascends throne, 299.
makes peace with Poland, 300.
marriage of, 301.
death of, 302.
Feudal System, implanting of the, 28.
Genghis Khan, pretended divine authority of, 115.
irruption into China, 115.
burns Bokhara, 116.
recalls his troops from Russia, 118.
death of, 118.
nominates Octai as his successor, 118.