George (son of Andre) sent embassador to Novgorod, 92.
returns to Moscow, 94.
Georges (son of Monomaque) expedition of, to Bulgaria, 72.
Georges (of Moscow) assists Sviatoslaf, 79.
enters Kief in triumph, 80.
drives Rostislaf from the throne, 81.
death of, 81.
Georges I. (brother of Vsevolod) ascends the Russian throne, 104.
burns Rostof, 104.
defeated by Mstislaf, 106.
surrenders himself to Mstislaf, and exiled, 108.
disappears from history, 108.
Georges II. ascends throne of Russia, 109.
attacks Ochel, 109.
founds Nijni Novgorod, 110.
death of, 122.
Georges III (of Moscow) obtains assistance from the Tartars, 136.
defeated by Michel, 137.
secures the throne, 140.
assassination of, 140.
Georgievitch (of Souzdal) Davidovitch seeks aid from, 83.
his system of government, 84.
Ghirei (Devlet) character of, 251.
Gleb (prince of Minsk) takes Sloutsk, 73.
capture and death of, 73.
Gleb left in possession of Kief; flight of, 89.
Gordon (General) entrusted with the royal troops, 317.
Gostomysle raises an embassy to visit the Normans, 27.
Goths, devastation of the, 19.
empire of the, 20.
suicide of Hermanric, king of the, 20.
Greece, overrun by the Avars, 22.
invaded by Monomaque, 72.
Greek Church, declared to be the best, 53.
Greeks, colonies of the, on the Bosporus, 17.
coalesce with the Bulgarians and expel Sviatoslaf, 48.
Gregory VII., see Pope.
Griska assumes to be prince Dmitri, and invades Russia, 278.
crowned emperor, 280.
perplexities of, 281.
marriage of, by proxy, 281.
death of, 283.
Polish adventurer claims to be, 284.
hung at Moscow, 286.
Gudenow (Boris) his supremacy over Feodor, 271.
assassinates Dmitri, 274.
his subterfuge to obtain the throne, 275.
crowned emperor, 276.
Gustavus III., interview of Catharine with, 443.
Gyda, wife of Monomaque, 75.
Helene appointed regent of Ivan IV., 204.
despotic atrocities of, 204.
death of, 207.
Hellespont, origin of the name, 507.
Henry IV. (of Germany) solicited to aid Ysiaslaf, 63.
Henry (prince of Prussia) visits Catharine, 414.
schemes of, with Catharine, 417.
Hereditary Descent the cause of war, 112.
Hermanric, suicide of king, 20.
Hermitage, description of the, 416.
Herodotus, his account of the interior of Russia, 17.
Holy Alliance, formation of the, 493.
Hungary, aid from, sent to Ysiaslaf, 80.