crowned empress, 361.
assumes the government, 364.
death of, 365.
Catharine II., early life of, 380.
autobiography of, 381.
seizes the throne, 392.
manifesto of, on the death of Peter III., 403.
her labors and reforms, 404.
administration of, 405.
urged by her ministers to marry, 407.
numerous titles of, 409.
Catharine II., attempt to assassinate, 410.
inoculation of, 413.
entertainments of, 415.
her schemes with Henry, Prince of Prussia, 417.
conquers the Turks, 418.
correspondence of, 422.
peace with Turkey effected by, 425.
personal appearance of, 426.
conspiracy against, 427.
interview of, with Joseph II., 437.
her education of her children, 439.
erection of the statue to Peter the Great by, 439.
seizes the Crimea, 441.
secures peace with Turkey, 444.
toleration of, 445.
her journey to the Crimea, 448.
makes war on Poland. 451.
death of, 452.
character of, 453.
Chanceller (Captain) voyage of, 245.
Charles XII. (of Sweden) ascends the throne, 328.
conquers the Russians, 329.
drives Augustus from Poland, 335.
wounded, 338.
utter defeat of, 339.
escape of, from Turkey, 346.
death of, 360.
Chemyaka, see Dmitri.
Cherson, church built at, in commemoration of the baptism of
Vladimir, 55.
Children, the female allowed to be killed, 24.
China, irruption of the Tartars into, 115.
Christians, persecution of the, by the Tartars, 136.
Christianity, its entrance into Russia, 29.
diffusion of, into Souzdal, 83.
attempts of Andre to extend, 96.
Chronology of Russia: Rurik, Sineous and Truvor jointly rule
over Russia, 27.
Rurik succeeds Sineous and Truvor, 28.
Ascolod and Dir reign over a portion of Russia, 29.
Oleg succeeds Ascolod and Dir, 31.
Igor succeeds Oleg, 38.
Olga succeeds Oleg, 42.
Sviatoslaf succeeds Olga, 45.
Yaropolk succeeds Olga, 50.
Vladimir succeeds Yaropolk, 52.
Sviatopolk succeeds Vladimir, 59.
Yaroslaf succeeds Sviatopolk, 60.
Vseslaf succeeds Yaroslaf, 62.
Ysiaslaf succeeds Vseslaf, 63.
Vsevolod succeeds Ysiaslaf, 66.
Sviatopolk succeeds Vsevolod, 69.
Monomaque succeeds Sviatopolk, 71.
Mstislaf succeeds Monomaque, 75.
Vladimirovitch succeeds Mstislaf, 77.
Vsevolod succeeds Vladimirovitch, 77.
Igor succeeds Vsevolod, 78.
Ysiaslaf succeeds Igor, 78.
Rostislaf succeeds Ysiaslaf, 81.
Georges succeeds Rostislaf, 81.
Davidovitch succeeds Georges