ies; High Seas; Taxation: Federal):
Definition; powers of Congress as to, 277-279, 308-309
Federal, petty, serious, defined, 877-878, 881-883
under National Prohibition Act, effect of repeal, 1214
Penalties, gradation for different crimes, different criminals,
validity, 1160-1161
Vagueness of statutes defining, effect, 881-883, 984, 1097
Criminal Prosecutions (_see also_ Attorneys; Confrontation; Crimes and
Offenses; Double Jeopardy; Due Process of Law; Ex Post Facto Laws; Grand
Juries; Habeas Corpus; Juries; Public Officers of United States;
Territories; Treaties):
Federal, place of trial, 880-881
Federal, rights of accused, scope, 877-885
Cruel and Unusual Punishment, not to be inflicted, what constitutes,
903-905, 1133-1135
Dams, across navigable streams, State powers as to, 229-230
Debts due the United States, collection, 117
Debts of the United States:
Abrogation of gold clause in United States bonds, validity, 117
Contraction, payment, 117
Declaratory Judgments. _See_ Courts (Federal).
Delegation of Power:
Judicial, to administrative agencies, 521
Legislative, by Congress, 71, 73-81, 392, 442
to President, in conduct of foreign relations, 80, 380
Rule-making, to courts, 74, 525-526
by State legislatures, to rate-making commissions, 77
in War, 289-291, 392
Descent. _See_ Succession to Property.
Direct Tax. _See_ Taxation: Federal.
Discrimination. _See_ Aliens; Chinese; Comity Clause; Equal Protection
of the Laws; Involuntary Servitude; Negroes; Restraint of Trade.
District of Columbia (_see also_ Courts (Federal)):
Cession by States, effect, 301-302
Courts of, powers, status, 304-305
Diversity of citizenship clause, applicable to, 302
Interstate commerce, taxation of, by, 304
Jury trial, residents entitled to, 303, 892
as a Municipal corporation, suability, powers, 300-301, 304
Police power of, 303
Retrocession of Alexandria County to Virginia, 301
as Seat of government, powers of Congress as to, 300-305
as a "State" for certain purposes, 302
State laws applicable to, 302
Taxation in, 303-304
Diversity of Citizenship. _See_ Courts (Federal).
Divorce. _See_ Due Process of Law; Full Faith and Credit.
Docks and Dock Yards. _See_ Wharves and Docks.
Dogs, protection conditioned on owner's payment of tax, 1035
Domestic Violence, Federal protection of States against, 704-705
Double Jeopardy (_see also_ Due Proce