Congress to levy, 1191-1201
Inheritance tax, 1192
Levy as penalty to enforce Federal, State laws, 1196-1197, 1214
License taxes, 110
Power of Congress to levy, 105, 110-117
Preferences to ports of one State, duties on outbound vessels,
prohibitions, 322-323
Regulation by taxation, 110-112
on Rental value, when a direct, or income, tax, 1200
Reserved powers of States, invasion by, 109, 916-919, 921
Revenue bills, originate in House of Representatives, 101-102
Suits to recover taxes, alteration of right, 858
Tariffs, protective, 112
Uniformity of duties, imports, excises, 105, 109-110
of Unlawful articles, 1201, 1214
Airplanes operated in interstate commerce, 210-211, 1052
Banks, 1147-1148
Businesses selling goods of interstate origin, 186-192
Carriers operated in interstate commerce, 179-180, 192-193, 197-203,
Collection by bailees, employers, retailers, safe deposit companies,
validity, 1061
Collection, levy of, procedural due process in, jurisdiction, etc.,
Commerce clause as restraint on, 177-214
Companies engaged in interstate commerce, gross receipts, income,
franchise taxes, etc., 179-180, 186-198, 202-215
Considerations as to validity; public purpose, severity, benefit,
1036-1037, 1041-1043
Copyright royalties, 734
Corporations engaged in interstate commerce, 193-204, 206-215, 1040,
1049-1053, 1148, 1151, 1153
Due process clause as restraint on, 1036-1062
Equal protection clause as limitation on, 1146-1153
Equitable interest of purchaser of U.S. property, 306
Exemption, as a contract protected against impairment, 341-343,
347-348, 350
Exports, imports, when valid, 362-365
of Federal contractors, 730-732
of Federal instrumentalities, functions, securities, etc., 728-737
Federally chartered corporations, property of, 732
Goods in interstate transit, restrictions, 179-183
Income, due process, equal protection clause limitations on;
jurisdiction; collection by withholding, etc., 1039, 1053-1055,
1061, 1150
Inheritance, estate, gift; due process, equal protection clause,
limitations on, 1037-1039, 1045-1049, 1061, 1150-1151
Insurance companies; due process, equal protection clause,
limitations on, etc., 1055-1056, 1062, 1148-1150
Insurance companies engaged in int