when Self-executing, 417-418
as Source of Federal power, limits, 426-431
States not to enter into, 325
Termination as international compact, how, by whom, 423-426
Troops (_see also_ Land, Air and Naval Forces):
Keeping in peacetime, by States, 365-366
Uniformity of Federal taxes. _See_ Taxation: Federal.
Unit Rule in State Taxation of Carriers, 200-201
United States:
Obligations owed to States, 704-705
Property ceded by States, conditions, reservations as to, 306-307
Property of, jurisdiction as to, 305-307
Property of, powers as to, disposal, etc., 701-703
Property of, State powers as to, taxation of, 305-307, 732
Public lands of, powers of States as to, 305, 702-703
Public lands, powers as to, 701-702
Vaccination, compulsory, State laws providing for, 984
Vessels (_see also_ Carriers; War):
on Inland waters, Federal regulation of, 128-130
Liens on, under State laws, 235
on Navigable waters, State regulation of, 228-231
Rates for service on, State regulation, 229, 231
Safety devices on, Federal requirement, 139
State taxation of, due process, etc., limitations, 209-210, 1052
Vice President:
Candidate elect, death of, powers of Congress to fill vacancy, etc.,
Election of, duties of electors, Senate, 383, 941-944, 1226
as Presiding officer in Senate, casting vote only, 91
Resignation, refusal to accept, how evidenced, 388
Succeeds to Presidency, when, 384, 387-388, 941-942
Term, beginning of, etc., 377, 1225
Vacancy in, power of Congress to fill, 384, 387-388
Voting. _See_ Elections.
Wages. _See_ Labor.
War (_see also_ Eminent Domain; Japanese; President: Powers):
Congress, power to declare, etc., 279-282, 286-293, 296-298, 395-397,
399, 401-404
Dates of beginning, termination, how fixed, 282
Declaration, when required, 281-282
Economic mobilization during, 280-289, 296
Eminent domain in time of, liability of United States, 298
Enemy aliens, restraint of, 297-298
Enemy property during, 294-296
Laws of, application, 293-294
Legislation enacted in prior wars; postwar effect, 286-288, 292-293
Personal liberty, restraint of, during, 297-298
Powers, nature and source of, 279-281, 291-293
Preparation for, in time of peace, 291-292
President, powers of, absent a declaration of, 281-282
Private rights during, 293-298
Prizes of, laws applicable to, 295-296
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