icrous air to the whole."--_Kames, El. of Crit._,
ii, 69. "The three last are arbitrary."--_Ib._, p. 72. "But in the phrase
'She hangs the curtains,' the verb _hangs_ is a transitive active
verb."--_Comly's Gram._, p. 30. "If our definition of a verb, and the
arrangement of transitive or intransitive active, passive, and neuter
verbs, are properly understood."--_Ib._, 15th Ed., p. 30. "These two last
lines have an embarrassing construction."--_Rush, on the Voice_, p. 160.
"God was provoked to drown them all, but Noah and other seven
persons."--_Wood's Dict._, ii, 129. "The _six first_ books of the AEneid are
extremely beautiful."--_Formey's Belles-Lettres_, p. 27. "A few more
instances only can be given here."--_Murray's Gram._, p. 131. "A few more
years will obliterate every vestige of a subjunctive form."--_Nutting's
Gram._, p. 46. "Some define them to be verbs devoid of the two first
persons."--_Crombie's Treatise_, p. 205. "In such another Essay-tract as
this."--_White's English Verb_, p. 302. "But we fear that not such another
man is to be found."--REV. ED. IRVING: _on Horne's Psalms_, p. xxiii.
"Oh such another sleep, that I might see
But such another man!"--SHAK., _Antony and Cleopatra_.
"_The_ is an article, relating to the noun _balm_, agreeable to Rule
11."--_Comly's Gram._, p. 133. "_Wise_ is an adjective relating to the noun
_man's_, agreeable to Rule 11th."--_Ibid._, 12th Ed., often. "To whom I
observed, that the beer was extreme good."--_Goldsmith's Essays_, p. 127.
"He writes remarkably elegant."--_O. B. Peirce's Gram._, p. 152. "John
behaves truly civil to all men."--_Ib._, p. 153. "All the sorts of words
hitherto considered have each of them some meaning, even when taken
separate."--_Beattie's Moral Science_, i, 44. "He behaved himself
conformable to that blessed example."--_Sprat's Sermons_, p. 80.
"Marvellous graceful."--_Clarendon, Life_, p. 18. "The Queen having changed
her ministry suitable to her wisdom."--_Swift, Exam._, No. 21. "The
assertions of this author are easier detected."--_Swift_: censured in
_Lowth's Gram._, p. 93. "The characteristic of his sect allowed him to
affirm no stronger than that."--_Bentley: ibid._ "If one author had spoken
nobler and loftier than an other."--_Id., ib._ "Xenophon says
express."--_Id., ib._ "I can never think so very mean of him."--_Id., ib._
"To convince all that are ungodly among them, of all their ungodly