give up the old ones till then.--Your
The Polish Ball and Concert alluded to in the above letter deserves our
attention, for on that occasion Chopin was heard for the last time in
public, indeed, his performance there may be truly called the swan's
The following is an advertisement which appeared in the DAILY NEWS of
November 1, 1848:--
Grand Polish Ball and Concert at Guildhall, under Royal and
distinguished patronage, and on a scale of more than usual
magnificence, will take place on Thursday, the 16th of
November, by permission of the Lord Mayor and Corporation of
the City of London; particulars of which will be shortly
announced to the public.
The information given in this advertisement is supplemented in one of
November 15:--
The magnificent decorations used on the Lord Mayor's day are,
by permission, preserved. The concert will comprise the most
eminent vocalists. Tickets (refreshments included), for a lady
and gentleman, 21/-; for a gentleman, 15/-; for a lady, 10/6;
to be had of, &c.
On the 17th of November the TIMES had, of course, an account of the
festivity of the preceding night:--
The patrons and patronesses of this annual or rather perennial
demonstration in favour of foreign claims on domestic charity
assembled last night at Guildhall much in the same way as they
assembled last year and on previous occasions, though
certainly not in such numbers, nor in such quality as some
years ago. The great hall was illuminated and decorated as at
the Lord Mayor's banquet. The appearance was brilliant without
being particularly lively.
Then the dancing, Mr. Adams' excellent band, the refreshment rooms, a
few noble Lords, the Lord Mayor, and some of the civic authorities (who
"diversified the plain misters and mistresses who formed the majority"),
the gay costumes of some Highlanders and Spaniards, and Lord Dudley (the
great lion of the evening)--all these are mentioned, but there is not
a word about Chopin. Of the concert we read only that it "was much
the same as on former anniversaries, and at its conclusion many of the
company departed." We learn, moreover, that the net profit was estimated
at less than on former occasions.
The concert for which Chopin, prompted by his patriotism and persuaded
by his friends, lent his assistance, was evidently a subordinate part