any more
than Ledru Rollin was hoodwinked, or the minority, which, roused by
his vigorous speech, voted against the grant? Louis Napoleon was far
less Papal in his sentiments than were most of the assenting deputies;
his own opinion was more truly represented by the letter which, as a
private citizen, he wrote to the 'Constitutionnel' in December 1848
than by his subsequent course as President. In this letter he declared
that a military demonstration would be perilous even to the interests
which it was intended to safeguard. He had but one fixed purpose: to
please France, so as to get himself made Emperor. France must be held
answerable for the means taken to please her.
General Oudinot landed at Civitavecchia on the 25th of April, his
friendly assurances having persuaded the local authorities to oppose
no resistance, an unfortunate error, but the last. The correct
judgment formed by the Roman Government of the designs of the invaders
was considerably assisted by a French officer, Colonel Leblanc, who
was sent to Rome by Oudinot to come to an agreement with Mazzini for
the amicable reception of the French, and who, losing his temper,
revealed more than he was meant to reveal. His last words, 'Les
Italiens ne se battent pas,' unquestionably expressed the belief of
the whole French force, from the general-in-chief to the youngest
drummer. They were soon going to have a chance of testing its
The Roman Assembly passed a vote that 'force should be repelled by
force.' Well-warned, therefore, but with the proverbial _coeur leger_,
Oudinot advanced on Rome with 8000 men early on the 30th of April. At
eleven o'clock the two columns came in sight of St Peter's, and soon
after, the first which moved towards Porta Angelica was attacked by
Colonel Masi. Garibaldi attacked the second column a mile out of Porta
San Pancrazio. At the first moment the superior numbers of the French
told, and the Italians fell back on Villa Pamphilli, but Colonel
Galetti arrived with reinforcements, and before long Garibaldi drove
the French from the Pamphilli Gardens and had them in full retreat
along the Civitavecchia road. Oudinot was beaten, Rome was victorious.
'This does not surprise us Romans; but it will astonish Paris!' ran a
manifesto of the hour; the words are a little childish, but men are
apt to be childish when they are deeply moved. And as to the
astonishment of Paris, all the words in the world would fail to paint
its prop