carbohydrates, and fats in a diet and arrange these constituents in
such a way as to give the desired amount of each in the dietary and in
a form acceptable to the patient.
~Rate of Metabolism~ is greatly increased in typhoid fever even over
other febrile conditions, not only on account of the elevation and
duration of the fever, but also on account of the activities of the
specific bacteria in the intestinal tract which differentiate this
disease from other febrile conditions.
~Energy Expenditures and Requirements~ of the body in typhoid fever,
on account of the character of the disease, are much greater than
those of the normal individual and must be met by an increase in the
diet if the body is to be saved from destruction.
~The Bowels.~--Diarrhea develops during any period of the disease due
to excess amount of fat or to a disagreement of some of the other food
constituents. It is advisable to cut down the allowance of cream
temporarily and to watch stools and other symptoms for evidences of
dietetic errors.
~Hemorrhage~ must be guarded against by eliminating, as far as
possible, all substances liable to cause an excessive gas formation in
the intestines.
~Absorption of Food~ is as a rule good. The patient is usually able to
handle a large quantity of food provided it is judiciously
administered with a due regard to the symptoms manifested at the time.
~Simplicity of Diet~ is absolutely essential. All the materials must
be selected carefully according to the physician's orders and prepared
with the greatest care in order to prevent digestive disturbances.
~High Calorie Diet~ is one in which the fuel value of the food
ingested meets or exceeds the energy expenditures of the patient.
Foods composing the diet are, milk and eggs for the proteins, with
carbohydrates and fats in their simplest and most digestible form to
balance the diet.
~Administering a High Calorie Diet~ is accomplished successfully
provided the nurse exercises care with regard to the symptoms arising
from time to time. These must be carefully noted and reported to the
physician, for in this way only is it possible to give a sufficient
quantity of food to cover the excessive breaking down of the body due
to the disease.
~Fluid Diet~ is at times necessary since certain patients cannot
tolerate a high calorie diet, but this is a point decided by the
physician. A fluid diet consists of fluids alone, milk in particular,