rt Hall, 348.
Nutting, A.J., 234.
Oakley, Rev. Mr., 51.
Ober-Ammergau Passion Play, 375;
impressions of, 375-388;
actors, 378.
Ocean Grove, 408.
"Oceanic," 391.
Ochiltree, Colonel Tom, 261;
at the Press Club, 223.
Ogden, 104
Ohio, elections, 124;
River, 276.
Olcott, George M., 224.
Omaha, 99,104;
picture galleries, 106.
Osborne, Truman, 16.
"Our Dead President," sermon on, 410.
Packer, Asa D., 194.
Paine, Tom, 71.
Palmer, A.M., 261.
Panics, view on, 290-293.
Paris, 60, 236;
Exposition of 1900, 362, 388.
Parker; Rev. Dr. Joseph, 259;
his description of Dr. Talmage's sermon, 259;
congratulations, 284.
Parkhurst, Dr., 258;
amount of his salary, 247.
Parnell, C.S., in New York, 102;
triumph on his return to England, 163.
Passaic River, 29.
Pasteur, Dr., his inoculations against hydrophobia, 162.
Patten, Dr., 120.
Paxton, Dr., amount of his salary, 247.
Payne, Mr., his song "Home, Sweet Home," 108.
Peabody, George, his will, 73.
Peace Jubilee, a national, 43.
Peck, General, defence of, 362.
Penn, William, 156.
Pennsylvania, invasion, 38;
election, 124.
Peru, war with Chili, 117.
Peterhof, Palace of, 370.
Peters, Barnard, 281.
Phelps, Mr., 145.
Philadelphia, Second Reformed Church of, 37.
Phillips, Wendell, 127.
Pierce, Dr., 369.
Pierce, Mrs., 370.
Pierce. President, opens the World's Fair, 195.
Pierce, Senator, his Bill for a new city charter for Brooklyn, 78.
Piermont, 25.
Pilgrim Fathers, in New England, 156.
Pius IX., Pope, 77.
Policies, International, lecture on, 322.
Polk, Mrs., her pension, 145.
Pollock, Robert, ex-Governor, 22;
report of his speech, 41.
"Pomerania," s.s., loss of, 89.
Pomeroy, Rev. C.S., 51.
Pond, Major, 96.
Poor, problem of the, 143.
Potomac, the, 38.
Pratt, Judge C.R., 133, 224.
Prayer, the influence of, 148.
Prentice, Mr., 207.
Press Club, dinners at, 223.
Pressly, Rev. David P., 338.
Preston, William C., 104.
Pretoria, capture of, 361.
Prime, Rev. Dr., 71.
Princeton, 301.
Queenstown, 391.
Railway strike, 166.
Rainsford, Dr., amount of his salary, 247.
Randall, Mr., 128.
Raymond, Henry J., 131.
Reed, Joseph, 166.
Reed, Speaker, 337.
"Rehypothication," crime of, 76.
Reid, Dr., 120.
Republican party, 46.
Reynolds, Judge, 193.
Rhode Island, 115.
Richards, Rev. Dr., 27.
Ridgeway, James W., 124.
Riley, his "Universal Philosophy," 107.
River and Harbour Bill, 143.
Robinson, Lincoln, 102.
Robinson, William E., 241, 253.