ueen Victoria, 406;
inaugurates Revival meetings, 407;
his last sermon, 410-412;
in a railway accident, 414;
in Mexico, 416;
audience with President Diaz, 417;
his illness, 417-420;
journey home, 418;
death, 420;
funeral service, 421;
burial, 422;
tributes to, 422;
his "Celestial Dream," 423.
Tappen, Arthur, 56.
Tariff Reform question, 128, 255;
protective, 200.
Taylor, Alfred, 179.
Taylor, Bayard, his career, 90;
number of his books, 90;
death, 90.
Taylor, Rev. Dr. Benjamin C., 25.
Taylor, Robert, 179.
Taylor, Dr. William M., amount of his salary, 247.
Taylor, Zachary, 114.
Tenney, Judge, 94.
Tennyson, Lord, 156.
Terhune, Rev. E.P., 241.
Thomas, Capt., heroism of, 134.
Thomasville, 414;
accident at, 414.
Thompson, Dr. C.C., amount of his salary, 247.
Thompson, Rev. Charles L., 283.
Thompson, Mr., Secretary of the Navy, 404.
Thurber, Frank B., private secretary to President Cleveland, 224, 303, 305.
Tierney, Judge, 133.
Tolstoi, Count, 263.
Tracey, General, 133, 283.
Trenton, intemperance, 45;
bribery, 46.
Troendhjem, 365.
Tucker, Dr. Harrison A., 233.
Turkey, defeated by Russia, 77.
Tyler, Mrs., her pension, 145.
Tyng, Rev. Stephen H., 62;
his sufferings from insomnia, 62.
"Uncle John's Place," 9.
United States, the Civil War, 38;
result, 42, 74;
intemperance, 44;
bribery, 45, 165-167;
salaries of ministers, 63;
spread of communism, 83;
fever for spending money, 83;
predictions of disaster in 1878, 88;
legislative effort to exclude the Chinese, 90;
commercial frauds, 93;
pacification of North and South, 113;
purchase of grain, 103;
surplus for export, 103;
blockade, 103;
republican candidates for the Presidency, 104;
quality of the new Senators, 109;
interference in foreign affairs, 117;
celebration of centennials, 124;
adulteration of food, 131;
number of elopements, 137;
problem of the poor, 143;
practice of betting, 147;
demands of Society, 169-171;
the working people, 171;
number of weddings, 176;
sports, 177;
mania for rebuilding, 178;
fashions, 183;
slaughter of birds, 184;
system of taxation, 197;
of lies, 197;
war with Spain, 320.
Unrequited services, sermon on, 356, 359.
Van Buren, cartoons of, 175.
Vanderbilt, Cornelius, his will, 73, 161;
gift to a medical institute, 141;
death, 160;
protection of his remains, 161.
Vanderbilt, Mrs., her remedy against sea-